Chspter 19

346 12 1

I don't own teen wolf

Do own. Sarah. Sam tristen.

New point of view.

Sheriff Nathan point of view

I wake up. And sat up. Sat there.

Who would hurt Sam. First he's a solider and he has three kids. He would have four. But one died. His wife died. Who the hell hurts someone After that. But then again we got kidnapped by their English teacher so. Nothing really surprises me. Also my sons girlfriends a werewolf aphla. They are mates so it really shouldn't be surprising.

I got home last night . stiles was trying to calm her down. She was crying

He said that they were sleeping. And he got up to make sure that the door locked just in case. I had to go to the station. And he got back she was crying in her sleep.

I stood Up. I Guess I make some breakfast.

I walk past the bathroom. One of them was in the shower. I looked in stiles room. Sarah was on the ground. So stiles in the shower. That's another reason about her. He gets up. Fast so he can see her.

I turned to go down the stars.

"No please don't no "

I turned back around. I walked in she gripping the blanket really tight.

She started shaking.

"No please don't hurt them. Ill let you "

She had tears in her face.

" Ill let you. Please don't hurt them "

"Sarah wake up " I whispered

She didn't react. I shook her.

She screamed.

I pulled her up. Shook her

"Sarah wake up you are fine "

He eyes poped open they red.

Damn that's scary. To first see when someone opens their eyes But they faded. To brown. She looked terrified. Like she did when she talked about Jacob.

"Sarah you are fine. Ok. " I whispered

"I -I am so scared "

"That's fine to be scared "

"No. No it's not. If I am the pack can be too . I I can't protect them "

"Hey. Now yes you can. I seen you do things that if someone that doesn't care wouldn't do. You care and you can do this. Alright "

She nodded. " Can I hug you "

I smiled "yes Sarah "

She smiled. But it quivered like she was going to cry.

She wrapped her arms around me. She started crying.

"I want my dad back "

"Ssshh it's ok. You can see him after we eat. Ok it's fine "

I rubbed her back. Started breathing funny. Oh god please not a panic attack.

"Shhh Sarah breath come on. "

She squeezed me tighter.

I stood up. Picked her up with me.

" Let's go make food. "

She nodded . she really needs to eat. She weighs like nothing.

Walk down stairs. I sat her in a chair.

The unknown twin 2 (teenwolf/stliesfan)Where stories live. Discover now