Chapter 32

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I don't own teen wolf

Do own Sarah Sam and tristen.

Sarah pov.

I sat up quickly. Gasping for air.

I coughed. The nightmares never go away do they.

I sat there. I sighed. I need to talk to deaton. Cause what ever happen that day still very much in my head.

I only told some of it.

And one version I die and other I don't.

But both ways. Dad ,Alison die. Only first one Isaac died. Amy is never there. Mom and Nathan don't get together in the second one cause well I am alive.

The second Is crazy. Stiles goes into a metal hospital. And all most dies. Then the demon ninjas try to kill us. For protecting stiles. Isaac hospital and. Kira is some thing.

Oh my head hurts. But I almost killed the good stiles. Then later. I kissed bad stiles. He took chaos from me. Then he gets Alison killed. And

"Sarah " I flinched.

"Whoa you alright ". "Huh yeah "

" No your not. Your sweating what's wrong. Do you have a fever or something "

" Umm no. I just had bad dream "

" Come here "

Scooted over. He pulled me into his arms. Layed my head on his shoulder.

" What was it about "

"Nothing ". " Really something for you to get sweating and going to guess trying to breathe "

I played with his sleeve. " Nothing. Can we just go back to sleep have two hours till we have to get up for school "

" I am not going to win huh "

" No. " He layed back.

Just listen to his Herat beat always works.

I feel sleep. And went to school next day.

I dosed off in art class.

"Sarah "

"Mrs Taylor "

"Sarah wake up " someone punched my arm. I sat up. Looked at Alison

"What ". "Mrs. Taylor can please bring you project up "

" Oh um sorry " I picked it up.

It's shoulders and back. Girls hairs ok a bun. Tattoo. Are one on each shoulder.

She had cuts one her sides.

Said never know what someone hides.

"Nice mrs.taylor. Much emotion. As I see in you. Now why are you sleeping in my class. That's Nothing like you "

"Just haven't been sleeping well is all"

She looked at Me. Really like at my soul.

" Well who or what ever is doing this let it go. Relax let it go. Cause I would like you back and pretty sure your friends like you back to. Not sleeping. "

"Ill try my best. But sometimes the things stay with you. "

" I understand. Now go back. Ill grade this. "

I walked back .

Try to get something out of your head been trying to for a year now. Yeah you try. It's hard. And your looking right at the people who die in the nightmare.

The unknown twin 2 (teenwolf/stliesfan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ