Chapter 15

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I don't own teen wolf
Do own Sarah Sam and Tristen

Sarah point of view.

Rachel's. Dead. But Jacob was behind her when she fell.
Peter came in with a smirk.
Janes With Jacob.

Peter grabbed my throat .
" I want to be a aphla again "
He let his claws out.
I punched him . we both fell.
I got up. Jacob put the gun to janes head
" You let him. Or she dies. I helped the hunters. Get stiles cause you in pain brings me joy "
Peter grabed me. He had his claws around my throat.
The pack ran in. Derek yelled

Alison untied stiles.
Five guys came in with guns.
" You killed our boss your pack and you are dead. "

Are you fucking kidding me.
Scott linked with me. Oh he's a wake.
'Help. But come in the back. Bring dad and Nathan with you and make them shoot peter '
'Ok on the way '

"What's going on. " Jane asked
"She doesn't know. Just leave her alone please " I coked out.
His grip got tighter.
"Well let's show her" Jacob said.
He shifted. So did peter

Janes face paled.
"What are you all"
"Wolves , werewolf's. And Sarah and Scott are true aphlas. And rest betas. Derek was a aphla but had to save his sister. " Peter said

' Scott where you at'
'Out side the door. You ready '
'Yes. Shoot at Jacob first. He has a gun. And has jane. '

I heard three shots.
I got out of the grip and punched petter in the face. I pinned him to the floor and beat the crap out of him.
I griped his thorat and made him stand up. Jane was no longer in here. I Guess Nathan took her out.
I looked at the pack. The five guys were out.
Chris came in and took two out.

I looked at peter.
I shifted.
" Listen to me and listen good. Next time you touch my pack. I will come out no longer a true aphla are we clear"

I shifted back but my claws still out.
" Peter you don't get it. I am not kidding. They are my family and unlike you. I don't kill family. So leave. Don't come back. Unless your going to be nice and not creepy. And stop hurting people. Oh and you look at tristen ever again. You won't walk straight rest of your life "

I let go. He walked out.
I looked at the pack.
" Let's get this cleaned up and back to beacon hills normal "
They all left expect stiles.
I walked over to him.

"You ok. "
"Yea. But I still don't remember. I am sorry. Scott and dad. Told me. Some stuff. And said that I said I love you. So that means your pretty special. "

I smiled. " You need to go back to your room come on. "

We walked back to his room dad jane and mom. Nathan were in there.
Jane looked at me.
" Are you one "
" Yes she is. You shouldn't care cause she nice she's not crazy like who ever they were " stiles said.

I smiled.
He sat on the bed.
A nother nurse walked in.
"That was a really long. Fire drill. " She said.
" Yes it was " dad said.
" Oh we'll never mind. Nurse McCall has you. Sorry "
"It's ok Nancy "
She waved and left.
" Stiles you can go home. But you have to do your regular routine. "

He put his shoes on.
" What school work did I miss " he aske
" I'll help you. It's at the pack house. "

Jane just rubbed her head
" Wait so you. And all them are wolfs. "
" Yes only humans. Are stiles Alison. Then the parents. Lydia is. But she's a banshee. But that's not important. Now stiles. Want to go do your homework. "

"Yes. Get it over with. Bye "

We walked out.
"Where's your car " he asked
"Well kinda ran here. So I will run home. Then pick you up. Alright "
He nodded.

I took off got the keys and jumped in the jeep.

Picked him up and went to the pack house.
I sat the books on the table.
I helped him with math cause it is a big ass packet. Then history. Wasn't much. English was reading .
Then the rest of it.

I looked at the clock.
It was 5:23pm.

He put the books back. Up
Sat by me.
" What do we usually do now ?". "
"Well the pack is usually here. But I don't know where they are at. So it's up to you"

"Do I have a room here "
" Yea come on "

I ran up stairs. To his room. And walked in. I sat on the bed

He looked around the room. And at the pictures on his wall.
" We look pretty happy"
" We are well at least I hope so anyway"
He looked at the picture of his mom and him.
" You told me about her "
He looked at me. "Really"
" Yea. We went to see her. "

He's face got pink. And his heartbeat went up.
" What's wrong does something hurt "
" What oh no. Well my ribs do but your umm y-you. A girl. Is umm on my bed "

I laughed. " Yes stiles I am "
He sat by me.
" Why do you like me " he asked
" Stiles I love you your adorable. ,Sarcastic. , nice. , Dorky , cute , sweet. , How you dress. Smile. Eyes ,voice. , Heartbeat . I love everything about you stigols "
His eyes went wide.
" How do you know my name. "
"Told me in Montana "
" You meet my family "
"Yep. Me and Katie are good friends. She's. A wolf now. "

He sat there looking at me.
" Am I good kisser "
"Yes. Am I "
" How would I know I can't remember. You know "
I leaned in. And kissed him.
His heartbeat jumped. He kissed back.

He leaned back on the bed . I straddled him. I asked for entrance. He moaned.
I tryed not to smile. He let me.

Ran his hand up my back. To my hair. I think he has a obsession with my hair . memory or not.
I left his lips and went down his jaw to his neck.
" S-Sarah your a really good k-kisser "
I stop. I look at him.
" Bet I am. So what do you want to do now . "
" Well I liked what we were doing"
I giggled. " Bet you did "

I kissed me. And asked.
Why not. Maybe he will remember.

He kicked his shoes off.
We rolled over.
He kissed me neck . slid his hands under the hem of my shirt.
"S-stiles. We aren't doing this. " He sucked my neck. The wolf growled. In pleasure. No.
" You don't e-even remember the f-first time ". He stopped and looked at me.

" What's the number 57 mean. "
" Lydia said. That's how many years we will be married "
He smiled " why a number like that"
"Cause. I always get in trouble. "
He laugh
I pushed him. Off and sat up.
He laid his head on my lap
I played with his hair.

" Sarah "
" Why can't I remember someone like you. "
" I don't know. "
He frowned
"Do you want to see spartan "
"What why is he here"
"Umm you gave him to me "
He stared at me for a minute.
"Stiles. Your elbows and digging into my ribs "
He rolled over. "Thanks. Come on. Well go see him. "

We went out to see him.

How and I going to make him remember. A year. Of his life. Actual. Like a year and a half.
This might take awhile.

Yep. There you. Go.
Not in good mood. Sorry if it sucks.
Pain. Sucks.
I hate damn hospitals. And I hate. The thing my sister married. He's a ass
Well have a lovely day. And I mean it.

The unknown twin 2 (teenwolf/stliesfan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя