Chaoter 8

388 16 2

I don't own teen wolf.
I do own. Sarah Sam and tristen.

Sarah point of view.
We are going to the mall Rachel and mic Are coming.

I not to sure about this mic.

I pulled my pants on. Why are these so tight. Damn.
The door opened Cora came in.
" Sarah are these yours. "
" I hope so be Cause these are tight as hell and to short. "
I pulled them off. Damn she's got some small thighs and calfs.
She hands me mine and walks out and shuts the door. Yep these fit better.

Door opened again stiles walked in.
" Can your wolf have kids. But you can. Like if you shifted could you have kids "
I shocked where the hell that come from.
" Are you trying to tell me something "
" Oh god no. Just a question. We were watching animal plant "
I walk over and act like I am going to kiss him. But slap him in back of the head
"Opps. I thought I saw a bug "
He left. Maybe now I can get dressed.
Hmm what shirt. The blue of course.
I pull off my tank. Top and put a new one on
I hear a knock. "yes"
" Mom. Ready yet. "
" I would be if every body stop interrupting me. "
" Oh sorry " he leaves.
I pull on the shirt.
And put my shoes on and brush my hair. And grab phone money. Keys. Keys. Where's my keys.

I ran down stairs.
" Mom can I go with you " Danny asked
" No your going with me. Isaac is going with. Mo-Sarah. "
" I don't care I need keys people keys "

I hear a jingle. I walk in the kitchen.
Scott had them. With a smirk.
" I found out something "
" What"
" That you aren't a flower " he laughed and threw the keys. He walked around I tripped him
" Oh I found out your a ass. Opps haha"

" Thee pack mom is leavening. If your going. In my car come "
I got in the jeep.
Alison Cora and Lydia. Got in. With Katie. Katie sat by me
" Ready " they yelled.

We pulled up to the mall. And the pack parked by us.
They got out.
" Check in. Every hour if you are leavening tell and tell where your going and with who. "
They all nodded and went in.

We went to rue 21. Then forever 21. Does everybody want to be 21 or what.
Lydia bought a green dress and black heels. Rachel was trying on belts with Katie. Allison was looking at shoes.
I was looking at beanies. Stiles had one on the other day and had his hair slicked up in the front. God it was so fuckin attractive
" Sarah what you thinking about. You smile might un hing your jaw. " Cora said
" Huh what nothing. Oh are you buying that " it was a yellow scarf
" Ya think so. Is it ok"
" Yea. "
She walked over to the check out.
Yep but this beanie. It's cool if stiles can rock it so can I. It's gray.

I bought it.
" Put it on Sarah " Rachel said when we walked out. Heading to deb.
I pulled it on.
" Looks good. Not good zac efron. But good enough for a girl " Cora said
I laughed and walked in and sat down.

They got done.
' Food court '. Text from Scott.
" Yo girls food court "
We sat down.
" Mom what's going on with your head " Isaac whispered
" Do you not like it "
" No just didn't knew you wore them "
" Me either "

We ate.
" Hey I am tired can we go home. " Isaac said.
" Ya I am too. " Danny said
" Who Evers tired come with me " I said.
Isaac , Danny. , Tristen , Cora. Went with me.

I drove to the pack house. They went to their rooms. I sat on the couch.
I heard a scream. I ran upstairs.
To Cora's room. There was a box and note on her bed.
' Well my wolves. With this I hope you die. Bye '
The box had can in it.
" I spared it and Saw. He's be hind you " Cora whispers
I look behind me nothing
" Cora. Nothing's there your seeing stuff "
I pick up the can. It spared me what the heck.
I dropped it. Oh shit. It burns.
I looked up it was mrs. Blake.
She stabbed me. I screamed
Cora started screaming. Isaac ran in and looked at the can
" No" I scream he dropped it but it got him. He ran out. I heard him yell "please don't I am sorry no stop"
I got up and into the hallway
I saw Riley. He had a knife. Why the hell he have that. I felt my eyes want to let tears fall. One did.
"Riley " I whispered
" You did this to me. But see this. This Is pay back. " He said slowly and whispered his voice was quiet. But cold and raw. with that lifting the knife.

The unknown twin 2 (teenwolf/stliesfan)Where stories live. Discover now