3 Black Forest Cakes
√1 Chocolate Cake for Riley.
√50 Vanilla Chocolate Cupcakes
√30 Danishes

"Today is Thursday and you are just giving in this order?" Sam asked, annoyed.

"Hey don't blame me, it's my mama," Jeremiah said, putting up his hands, "plus we'll pay the extra fee."

Sam rolled her eyes.

"I have other orders to fulfill Jeremiah. Now I have to put my staff on over time. What time is the barbecue?" Sam asked.

"It starts at two but you got to be earlier."

"I'm gonna be there exactly at two. You get your goods and I get paid and we're all happy. Thank you for your service," Sam said, about to go back to her cupcakes.

"Hold up. Riley wants you to be there, Sam'Riyah. She has been talking a lot about you and its weird because the kid barely knows you but don't kill the kid's dream. Can you come?" Jeremiah ask.

She didn't have a busy schedule. She just had to deliver three big orders before 12. And now this. She really wanted to turn down the offer but Riley was a cute kid.

"Okay, I'll stay for just a bit. For Riley."

Please don't make me regret this.

"Great. Here's my number, call me if you have any issues." Jeremiah smiled and walked out.

Sam went back to her cupcakes securing Jeremiah's number. After she had finished two batches, she went and started on Jeremiah's order.


Jeremiah left the bakery and headed straight to his office. He had some paperwork to be done. He owned a car dealership that was handed down to him by his father but that wasn't his main job. He is a physiotherapist. He loves his job because he finds pleasure in helping people get back on their feet, figuratively and literally.

He got to the office, making sure everything was working good. He made a quick decision that he was going to do the paperwork at home instead. He left the office and got home to the empty house.

Leah was at work, which he was grateful for. He couldn't stand being around her while doing his work. She annoyed him to the brim but that was one thing that he had to get used to. She was going to be his wife soon.

He went straight to his office and started on his paper work.

It has been two hours. He had finished his work thirty minutes ago and now he was whipping up something to eat. He cooked for himself because Leah didn't like his cooking. She said it was too fattening. Jeremiah chuckled as he taught about it. He did not know how he put up with her and had managed to put a ring on her. He began to laugh. The things he did amused him.

When he was done with his chicken and pasta, Leah came in.

"Hey," He greeted, planting a kiss on her lips and went to her neck, sucking on the tender skin there.

Leah pushed him away.

"Yo, what are you doing? You know that I don't like that marking business," Leah said in annoyance.

Jeremiah smacked his teeth. He went for his food.

"You didn't have to use that much cheese Jer and why didn't you use wheat pasta? I swear yo ass gon' get fat with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high every damn thing and I would have to leave you cuz' you stubborn!" Leah bombarded.

"What's your problem?" Jeremiah snapped.

He was at peace.

"I don't wanna be with a fat ass man that can't even get himself out of bed, on the brink of dying, and they can't even find a casket to fit yo ass!" Leah snapped back.

"Where is all this coming from?" Jeremiah asked.

"I'm just saying!" Leah yelled.

"No. There has to be a reason why you come here arguing over the same dumb sh't! " Jeremiah yelled back.

Jeremiah was confused. All the yelling was not called for and he did not know why she sat here in unnecessary feelings.

"Whatever Jeremiah. I'm here with a soon to be husband that doesn't support my lifestyle. You don't at least try to cook for me, and when I do cook, you don't enjoy it as much as you would your mom's or somebody. Uou don't go to the gym with me like the other couples do, you prefer to go by yourself and hang out with your brothers," Leah complained.

Jeremiah stood silent. He did not want to hurt this woman's feelings, he loves her.

"Obviously there are certain things we need to work on. What I'ma need yo' ass to do is stop comparing our relationships to others, okay? I'm tired of telling you to stop doing that." Jeremiah took his full plate and went in the living room to eat.


It was now Friday, Gabriel and Sam were back on speaking terms. Sam was still a bit upset with Gabriel but they're working on it. Even though it has been a whole year since they've met, they have argued and made up more times than they could count.

"Tomorrow I'm going to a barbecue." Sam let out.

Gabriel looked up from his papers.

"Huh? Which barbecue? You?" Gabriel asked, shocked that those words actually came out of Sam's mouth.

"Remember that little girl that fell at the party and I helped her up? Her uncle or dad or sumn', Jeremiah, said she wanted me to come and I couldn't kill the little girl's hope plus the family made an order and all of that needs to be done by twelve tomorrow," Sam replied.

"Oh. I have work, unfortunately, tomorrow so I can't accompany you. Have fun though," Gabriel said.

"Okay, I'll try. I'ma go back to the bakery to finish these orders. Lock up good." Sam got her keys and a bottle of water.

"You didn't eat?" Gabriel asked.

"When I come home, I'll eat. No worries." Sam replied then left out.

Gabriel shook his head. He wasn't worrying. He knew that by the time she reaches home she is going to cook up a storm and eat. As little as she may be, her diet is fat.

Gabriel still felt bad for what he said yesterday to Sam. She was his best friend basically and he didn't mean to hurt her feelings (even though she probably did not care). To add, she was more than a best friend to him, he had feelings for her from the first time he had saw and spoke to her.

However, he knew Sam wasn't up for any type of relationship and he didn't want to mess up their friendship with a relationship. He had his chicks that he would have his random flings with and he loved going out with his boys having fun. He did not want to hurt Sam's feelings at all and he knew she would not keep up with his lifestyle if they were dating. He would want to go out and have his type of fun with his main chick but Sam wasn't the type.

Her fun was eating, baking together, video games, car racing, going to the beach, going places where there weren't a lot of people, places where attention was not directed to her, hell... home is her favourite place. Meanwhile, his fun was clubbing, drinking and sex. He liked doing those things that Sam liked but he wanted her to like the things he did too. Unless, he could break her into.. No, he appreciated her being different.

He shook his head from his thoughts and went back to his paperwork.

~KemrezM 💋

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