2-Frank's Mother

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The Zhang family sat down under an oak tree and ate on the very top of the green hill. The sight was beautiful from below.

The other Demigods sat on the grass as well. Careful not to enturup the Zhang Family Picnic.

After they were done eating Frank went out to shoot arrows nearby. But the Demigods stayed back to hear Grama Zhang and Emily talk.

"Fei needs to know," Grama Zhang whispered. Emily tensed,"No mother, not until he is older ,he still very young to know...that!"
Grama Zhang sighed, "Oh Emily, He's 10 now, he's old enough, tell him before it is too late, he is the proper owner of that damned stick."

They knew what was going on, the fire stick that Frank now possesses.

"Oh and his animal powers"

"Mama as I said before Frank-"
"Fei is too young to know yet, he hasn't even transformed yet, how can we even know?"

"I can, you can, he definetly can." The stubborn on old woman argues.

"That's not a good argument" Emily groanes.

"So they already knew about you powers?" Reyna asked.
Frank nodded.

"Mama!!mama!!look!!" Young Frank called. The two Zhang ladies followed. Frank had hit the center target of an oak tree. "Brilliant my little prince" Emily said.

Grandma Zhang started on her way towards the house.
"Mama aren't you going to stay?"
"No thank you Emily, I prefer sleeping indoors. Goodnight "

"Goodnight mama,"
"Goodnight grama,"

And the old woman left.

Emily picked up little Frank and swung him around. Young Frank giggled

Emily sat down on the oak tree with young frank in her lap.

"She's lovely" Piper commented.
Frank nodded slowly in agreement.
"To me she's was the best mom in world."

"'was'?" Leo asked

Frank nodded, "She went out to fight in Alfganastan and died protecting her comerands, she worked bravely for the military"

They all placed a hand on Franks shoulder, Hazel hugged him.
Frank felt like he had a whole new family. Well, have.

"What were you and Grama talking about?" Young Frank asked.
Emily smiled,"Nothing Frank, when your older we'll talk"
Frank nodded,"Ok mama"
Emily hugged Frank thigthly, wrapping her arms around him. A tear slipped. As if, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold Frank again in the far future.

Then the rainbow colors returned and a new imagine took its place.

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