Chocolate Block Part 2

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**Note: Hello there. This chapter has been rewritten because I promised myself that I wouldn't publish a piece I wasn't entirely happy with. I think this one is much better than the last. Let me know what you guys think! :)**

"Still stuck? Well maybe it's not because of anything tangible. Maybe it's because of the people you surround yourself with. What Andrew? Are you saying I make you feel like you are stuck? Well, if you would lose a couple of pounds then we'd both fit in this couch now, wouldn't we?" - Grams

"I beg your pardon?" Gramps nearly dropped one of the plates.

"Does Aiden like me?" she asked again, this time leaning back from the counter, suspiciously.

"Uh," quick Andrew, think of something smart and clever and... "Why, do you like him?" he question back.

Nice work old man.

"Ummm..." Andy blushed a quick pink before tucking her already pulled back hair, behind her ears. "I... Ohkay, nevermind."

Gramps quietly sighed in relief. "Anyway, would you like something else to eat?" he tried to change the topic.

"Yeah, sure. A panini would be great," she replied casually. "I am going to, um," she turned around and awkwardly pointed to her seat. "Go back there," she said, noticeably embarrassed. "But please, call me when the order is ready. I can pick it up myself."

"Sure thing" Gramps smiled back.

As Gramps made her sandwich, he regarded the girl engrossed with her laptop and notebook. Quite the intellectual, that one. Its funny how she hasn't realized Aiden goes to her school, but Gramps figured its best if she doesn't. Because if she were to treat him differently while she was with her other 'supposed' friends then that might just hurt Aiden more.

Ah, Gramps thought to himself, what a funny world, where the fear of being alone resorts us to do the most uncharacteristic thing just to be able to find companionship. What Andy doesn't realize is that when you find people you can call your own, you don't need to do anything that doesn't make you feel like you.

Still thinking, he called her name out as he finished making her order and she then walked to counter, barefoot, as if she couldn't be bothered to put her shoes back on since she was going to sit cross-legged with her feet up anyway. That small gesture made Gramps think how ironic it would be to call her free-spirited when she wasn't even being true to herself.

But you know what they say, the essence of who you somehow manage to escape the cracks of your facade no matter how hard you try to hide it. Well, maybe not they but Grams used to say that anyway.

"Hey Gramps," she looked up at him, nervously picking on the chips in the plate. "Can I show you something? I need some advice on what you think of it since Aiden isn't here. Plus it will be good to take an elderly's opinion of it"

"Sure," Gramps replied confused, trying not wince at being called elderly.

"Now I am only showing you this because Aiden isn't here." She brought her food back to her table and settled in the corner. As predicted, nestled in by folding her feet up.

Andy then turned her laptop screen around and opened up her notebook, but hesitated. "Ohkay, you are literally the first adult I am showing this too. So you need to be like totally hardcore in your opinion."


"Brutally honest" she explained, and then turned her screen around and held her breath.

Gramps sat down next to her, picked his reading glasses from his shirt pocket and squinted at the screen. The screen was filled with drawings and text. From what Gramps could make out, this looked like...

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