Chocolate Block

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"It's ohkay to feel stuck sometimes. That means you were going somewhere to begin with. Now how do you get un-stuck? Procrastinate. No, seriously. Andrew, I am not kidding. What is so funny?"- Grams

Yes, there was a silly grin on Aiden's face for the whole week. This made Gramps wonder what was in this girl that made Aiden smile the way he did, in a way he has never seen before.

The answer came to him on a cloudy Sunday morning.

Aiden was off for the day as his mom needed help with the grocery at the local farmer's market. Needless to say, Delia was with them already judging the loot and getting her bargain face on. 'Nothing like a good deal on vegetables to make your week', she'd say.

If Gramps were to give her a title, he would say she was the fresh produce mafia of the area.

Gramps looked out the window and sighed. It started raining again, but definitely not as hard as it did when the man in the grey su- Sam, had come into his shop. This, on the other hand was the soothing kind of the rain. Something you could play slow jazz to and blissfully sit in a corner with a good book.

Gramps was feeling particularly lethargic this morning because of cozy haze in the air. This was Grams favorite climate, he remembered. Not too summer hot, but not too winter cold. A sweet spot right in the middle or as she would call it, the days of rain and summer. A beautiful mix of both seasons.

Luckily for his current state, there were only a couple of customers in today. And just as one was about to get up and leave, Gramps saw a familiar face walk right through the doors. 

That blonde girl, Andy.

She slowly glanced around, presumably looking for Aiden. Unable to find him, she picked the same spot in the corner, as she always does, and proceeded to take her things out from her backpack.

As routine, she placed a blue notebook next to her purple laptop and began typing and writing away.

Gramps already knew what she was going to order, a chocolate block- a sweet dessert made up of graham biscuits, cream and whipped chocolate butter, and the usual white hot chocolate with extra caramel sprinkles. The perfect combination of sweet and salty, as Grams would say.

But just for the heck of it, Gramps went up to her and took her order anyway. Despite her usual visits, Gramps hasn't had a chance to speak to her yet. He has Aiden to thank for that.

"Hi there," Gramps smiled as she looked up. Andy pushed her glasses up and politely smiled back. Green eyes, Gramps noticed, just like Grams.

"Hi, can I have a chocolate block and white hot chocolate with-"

"Extra caramel sprinkles" Gramps unknowingly continued, and then looked up from his notepad realizing what he had just said. "Sorry, I..."

"I know, I know. I come here too often." She pushed her glasses back down. "Aiden practically has my order memorized."

And the pattern of the freckles on your nose too, Gramps thought to himself. Or so he told me.

"Is he here?" She looked past Gramps to the empty counter at the back.

"Sorry hun, he is out with his mother today" Gramps held back a smile. So that's why she is here on a weekend.

"Oh," Andy looked visibly disappointed much to Gramps amusement. "I guess that's the universe's way of telling me I need to get some work done today...." she continued and she went back to her laptop screen.

Gramps then wordlessly walked back, prepared her order and just as he was about to pick up the tray, she got up and rushed to the counter to help herself. "You should really get a 'Self-Service' sign here. I wouldnt like a man old enough to be my own Grandfather, serving me."

Gramps laughed in reply, what an interesting girl. "But if it were Aiden?" he teased.

Andy's eyes grew wide, quietly she picked up her tray and turn around to walk back to her seat.

Uh-oh. Did Gramps say too much? What if he said something he wasn't suppose to? How do teenagers even date in this day and age anyway? Do they send each other those letter on the internet? What does Aiden call them? Ah yes, e-mails. Or those messages on the phone?

Gramps decided it was best if he said nothing to her at all. He didn't want to be one of those adults that said something awkward to sound 'hip' and 'cool' and embarrassing their younger ones in the process.

An hour and a half later, Andy picked up her own plates and placed them at the counter.

"Hey..." she softly called out, "Gramps right? Can I call you Gramps?"

"Everyone calls me Gramps, Andy. Of course you can." And then Gramps realized he wasn't suppose to know her name. That means she would know that Aiden talks about her, and that wasn't 'cool', as Aiden would say.

"Oh, so you know my name," Andy said slowly, "I mean, I know your name because Aiden keeps talking about you. I guess that also means Aiden talks about me too." She rambled, embarrassed.

Gramps sighed in reply. Not 'cool' Andrew, Gramps told himself, not cool.

"Hey Gramps, can I ask you something?" she leaned over the counter, looking to see if anyone could hear her.

Gramps nodded in reply, pretending to be busy wiping plates that were already clean.

"Does Aiden like me?" she asked innocently.

Gramps froze. Oh dear, he thought to himself.

So not cool Gramps, as Aiden would say. His voice ringing in his ears. So. Not. Cool.


Sorry for the delay! I hoped you liked this part. I decided to let Andy and Aiden's story simmer for a while. Maybe add a little more to it later on.

Fun fact, I actually finished writing this part in a wonderful little coffee shop close to home. Setting the inspiration and all that. 

I hope you are having a good week! :)


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