Chapter 20 - Chaos Bringer Revealed

Start from the beginning

Madalyn: What the?! Iestyn?!

Emanuel: I don't believe it!

Me and my friends stared at him with shock. He shook his head, then stared at me and the others with confusion.

Iestyn: Where am I? What happened here? How did I even get here?

Emanuel: Iestyn!

My friends ran down the bleachers and joined me and Iestyn on the field. They all just stared at him with shock and concern.

Iestyn: I don't understand! What was I doing?! I don't remember anything!

Selina: Now it makes sense. Iestyn was Chaos Bringer all along!

Madalyn: Aw come on! Our Iestyn? No way!

Then in front of us there was a flash of a bright purple light on the ground and a giant holographic image of a robotic humanoid with a dark purple cape emerged. His armour plating was black with red, blue, and purple highlights.

???: I am Deception!

We all looked up at him in shock. We all couldn't believe our eyes. There was gossip among everyone was they tried to process what was going on.

Iestyn: Grandfather!

Deception: It is time to go Iestyn. Come with me. My boy, don't you realize that Chaos Bringer's personality will always be a part of you?

Iestyn: I'm part of his personality?

Madalyn: Hey you! Leave our friend alone!

I ran forward towards Iestyn to pull him to safety, but was pushed back by an invisible force field made by Decepticon. I fell to the ground, dropping my tablet in my process. Emanuel ran over and came to my side.

Emanuel: Maddie are you alright?

Deception: Do you remember that day Iestyn? So long ago? I was in my laboratory after I came back from Cybertron, and I wanted to keep a record of what happened.

Bumblebee: Hey! We heard all about this at Iestyn's grandpappy's house! Don't you guys remember?

Iestyn: W-we did.

Deception: I see. So you saw my testimonial? But there is more you need to know. I learned that the Transformers can only reveal themselves as these cards, along with their holograms outside and before a battle. They have the same vertical structure allowing them to revert back to their original forms.

Najat: Been there, done that!

Mia: Yeah tell us something we don't know!

Deception: Very well. I wasn't able to finish my research statement, because during the time I was recording it, a Mega-Dimensional Nova was happening on Cybertron.

Madalyn: What?!

Optimus: A Mega-Dimensional Nova?

Deception: That's right. Obviously you've heard of that before haven't you? It was the same phinomina that occurred when Megatron destroyed the generator that supported the two cores that powered Primus.

Optimus: That was a very dark day that I'll never forget. That was the day when the world around me began falling a part. That was the day Madalyn and I first met.

Madalyn: I remember that. I thought I was having some kind of dream when I was really watching you fight Starscream.

Predaking: Yes, I remember that day as well. That was when I saw the Infinity Core cross into the human world.

Elita-1: And it changed me forever. Things were never the same when I wad drawn into the Infinity Core.

Deception: Massive negative power with the support of Dark Energon from the Nova was released. It passed through the Matter Transporter and contaminated my laboratory. Then Iestyn arrived. Iestyn was completely unaware that his life was never going to be the same after that day. A flood of negative energy and dark energon filled the lab and surrounded us. It changed my body, and that is how I became Deception. And it is how you, Iestyn, became my apprentice, Chaos Bringer. 

Iestyn: I changed?

Deception: That's right Iestyn. You changed, you took on the separate personality known as Chaos Bringer.

Madalyn: Hold on! I remember, we never finished that story you recorded in your lab.

Optimus: When Megatron triggered the Mega-Dimensional Nova, he started the destruction of Cybertron and created Iestyn's second identity known as Chaos Bringer.

Iestyn lowered his head down, his hair masking his sad filled eyes.

Iestyn: I remember now. I do, I remember everything. Back at the Airport last year when Emanuel Madalyn, and Selina came to pick me up, I was already there giving the Doom Cards to Nicky and Alex. I transported myself back on the plane and changed back before it landed and fell asleep. And the time when Emanuel and Selina got sent to that mansion were Ben and the others were, I was there too. And earlier today when Emanuel brought me back to his house so I could get some rest, he left for Madalyn's house and that's when you received the message about the infinity Core. When you guys came here to the Super Dome, Chaos Bringer, well technically I, was already here.

We listened to Iestyn quietly, watching as a few tears escaped his face. We all didn't know what to do.

Emanuel: Iestyn... I know why he didn't remember before! But don't worry, you don't have to listen to Chaos Bringer anymore.

Elita-1: Your friends will take care of you Iestyn.

Iestyn: But how can all of you ever forgive me? I did so many bad things!

David: Well you proved one thing. Chaos Bringer knew where to find us, because you were him.

Deception: Iestyn, it is time to go home.

Deception extended his hand towards him. Iestyn looked happy at first, taking his hand as he walked a few steps forward.

Madalyn: Iestyn don't!

Deception let out a laugh as he sent a electric shock of dark energon through Iestyn. The boy cried out in pain as he pulled his arm away, taking a few steps back from Deception.

Deception: Don't be afraid, now that everyone knows who you are the only place for you to be is with me where you rightfully belong. So Iestyn, be a good boy and come along now.

Madalyn: No! He stays here! Iestyn is still Iestyn, and he's going to stay here with us!

Iestyn: Madalyn? You mean that?

Madalyn: Don't go Iestyn. You're a Titan, stay here!

Selina: You're a part of the team don't go!

Najat: Yeah we need you Iestyn!

A smile appeared  on the boys face as tears streamed down his face, his cheeks turning red.

Iestyn: Thank you, I want to stay..... No, how can any of you ever trust me again?

Emanuel: No wait-!

Iestyn pulled out his Transformers tablet, activating a space bridge portal behind him. He looked up at me and my friends. Sadness filling his eyes as more tears escaped.

Iestyn: I'm sorry everyone. Okay grandfather, I'm ready.

Emanuel: Iestyn don't go man!

Emanuel ran forward to try and stop Iestyn, but he was hit by the invisible force field, just like I was and crashed to the ground. And within the blink of an eye, Iestyn ran through the portal and vanished as the space bridge closed.

Emanuel: No!

Me and the others ran towards Emanuel as Deception's giant hologram began raising up into the air, letting out a menacing laugh.

Deception: Goodbye Titans! Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

With a flash of bright light, the hologram disappeared. Me, Emanuel, Selina, David, Najat, and Mia were the only humans left in the crumpled up and torn Super Dome.

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