Chapter 9 - Occurrences

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Mia's P.O.V.

Me and my mom were helping the movers bring in our furniture and other belongings into our new apartment. Movers brought in a flat screen TV, a couch, tons of stuff.

Mom: And that goes over there.

I brought in a small box and set it down on the dinner table and took in the surroundings of our new home. The floor was a light vanilla shade of yellow while the wallpapers were light pink and the ceiling was white. Two big doors were used to enter the apartment and the room was huge! I walked out to the balcony and checked out the view of the city.

Mia: Man this is so cool! A new home and a new start.

???: Mia? Is that you up there?

I looked down at the front yard of the apartment to see a teenaged boy looking up at me. He had mid long brown hair, brown eyes, a dark blue jacket, a Minecraft t-shirt, jeans and black sneakers. He also wore a dark blue and black bandana around his forehead.

Mia: No way! Is that really you Iestyn?


Me and Iestyn were sitting on a park bench out in the park that was in the middle of the apartment complex I moved into.

Iestyn: I'm sorry that I'm the only one in the welcoming committee Mia, but I'm so glad you moved into our neighbourhood.

Mia: I guess everyone else is still in the Cybertronian Underworld. I just feel so useless you know? I wish I could help.

Iestyn: Yeah me too. But all we can do now is hope and wait for everyone to come back home safely.

Mia: Boy I sure wish I was done there to help them in battle. How come you didn't go with them Iestyn?

Iestyn: Huh?

Mia: It just seems really weird to me. I mean, your like the smartest Titan around.

Iestyn: I know this is going to sound dumb, but I really don't know the answer to that question Mia. It's like something was holding me back.

???: Mia!

Mia: Huh?

I looked up to see my mom at the entrance to our apartment building watching me. She smiled and waved at me and Iestyn.

Mia: I'll be right there mom!

Iestyn: Wait, that reminds me. I better get going. I have stuff to do, but I'll catch you later. It was nice seeing you again!

I watched as Iestyn picked up his grocery bag as he got up from his seat from the bench. He gave a wave as he walked away while saying hi to mom before taking off.

Mia: Something weird is going on with Iestyn. But what?


Iestyn's P.O.V.

I was walking along the city river on my way back to Emanuel's house from Mia's new apartment building. It just didn't feel right with the others gone. They've been in the Cybertronian Underworld for a while now. I'm starting to worry. As I passed by a family, a small boy pointed out something in the sky.

Boy: Mommy! Mommy! A flying saucer!

The boy took off after his parents as I looked up at the sky. I spotted a flash of light, like a star shining in the night sky. The object soared through the sky like a shooting star. It was beautiful. But then, all of a sudden I felt this weird sensation in my head. I eye lids felt heavy all of a sudden and I found myself tumbling forward and rolling down the hill while crashing into a bush. After that I completely blacked out.

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