Chapter 6 - David's Test

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David's P.O.V.

At the edge of the Cybertronian Underworld we met six of the 13 original Primes of Cybertron. We told them that we wanted to stop Chaos Bringer from destroying both our worlds, but they wanted us to prove ourselves. So they sent us each to go through a test.


After the explosion there was a flash of light and I found myself waking up and looking up at an orange sky. Hardly any clouds filled the air. Was I back on Earth? Back in Toronto? Back in Tokyo? The sound of Grimlocks voice made me escape my train of thought.

Grimlock: Everything is alright David.

I sat up from where I layed and looked down at Grimlock.

David: Are we here?

Grimlock: I guess so.

I took a look around to see that I was in the middle of a train station. A very old one at that. The design of the statio and the train cars was like something from the 1950's in New Orleans.

Grimlock: The last thing I remember was the Primes, and then I woke up here next to you.

I took another look to see next to the station was a town. More like a ghost town though. There wasn't anybody.

David: This isn't what I imagined the world of tests would look like at all. This could be any place on Earth. Except for the fact that there's no one else around except for you and I.

I picked up my tablet and Grimlocks hologram reappeared on my shoulder. Once the train past, I left the train station and entered the town. Buildings were run down, windows shattered, some of the roads were cracked, it was spooky.

Grimlock: I wonder if the other Titans are around somewhere.

David: No, we're suppose to be here alone.

Grimlock: Then lets keep moving.

Overhead lights flickered on and off before completely dieing out. Wind blew across laundry lines as dust flew across the street.

Grimlock: I don't know why those Primes sent us here. But I do know we're in this strange place for a reason.

David: Yeah if being alone is the test, this is way too easy. It doesn't bother me being on my own. I don't need anybody. I can take care of myself no problem.

???: Oh hello!

I watched as a young girl emerged from down the street and she stood just a few meters away from me. The wind blew in her short, white, hair. She had brown eyes, wore a lime green sun dress with white leggings and black flats.

???: I guess your train was late huh?

David: Um, you were expecting me?

???: Yeah. I was getting bored, I need someone to play with.

David: Play what?

???: Heh, heh, heh, how about tag? Your it!

She tagged my hand then took off running down the street.

David: Wait, what?

???: Come on! Try to catch me!

David: Catch you?

I watched as she took off into a wooden alley way, in a country like part of the town. SHe taunted me before running back through the alley.

David: Who is she?

Grimlock: I don't know but she seems to know you.

David: Yeah she does. Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to play along for a while.

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