Chapter 8 - Madalyn's Test

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

All of us Titans were sent to the World of Tests by six of the thirteen Original Primes to see if we're worthy of saving Cybertron from utter destruction by Megatron. So far Najat, Selina, David, and Emanuel have completed their tests. Now, it's me and Optimus's time to shine.


Optimus: Madalyn! Madalyn wake up! Can you hear me?

I woke up to the sound of Optimus's voice to find myself sitting down in a chair. It was made of red fabric and the arm rest and such were plastic. Once I got my surroundings, it looked like I was inside an auditorium of a movie theatre. Optimus's hologram was standing on the armrest of the chair next to me.

Madalyn: Aw man talk about freaky! What is this?

Optimus: I do believe that is place was created by the Original Primes to be your test.

As if on Que., the movie projector from the back of the room switched on and started playing a movie on the big screen. It began with the black and white countdown from ten to one.

Madalyn: Now what? This is getting creepy. Real creepy.

Once the countdown was done, a Cybertronian's face appeared on the screen. He had a greyish blue colour with red and white highlights. As well as a long, white, metallic beard.

Optimus: Alpha Trion!

Madalyn: Hey you mind telling me what's the deal?

Alpha Trion: Please observe.

The screen changed and it showed Najat, Selina, David, and Emanuel with their Transformers partners. They were changing, morphing, into new and powerful designs. The screen showed them fighting one of the other original Primes as well, while Alpha Trion provided voice over.

Alpha Trion: All of your friends have succeeded their trials. Overcoming hurtles placed before them. Some were more difficult than others, but all remained determined to win. Their prize in victory, their Transformers partners would evolve. And each of your friends were taught a lesson along the way. Lessons that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Now it is your turn young Madalyn.

Madalyn: My turn to what?

Optimus: To help me further evolve.

Alpha Trion: You are quite right Optimus Prime. Shall we begin?

Madalyn: Um, excuse me please, but I don't need any life lessons my friend.

Alpha Trion: Ah, ha, ha, ha, please forgive me but I beg to differ. You are certainly in most need of one. How I envey the ignorance of you.

Madalyn: What?!

I felt a rush of wind behind me as I heard the sound of a footstep. I turned around to see a clown standing literally right behind me. Its painted blue eyes on its mask were just cold, locked on, staring at me!

Madalyn: What in the world?!

The clown let out a laugh at me. He e a white suit with yellow and green highlights.

Madalyn: Show yourself you creep!

The clown jumped up into the air, performing a few back flips and it landed on the edge of a seat a few rows away from me.

Madalyn: Just who do you think you are?!

I lunged forward at the clown in an attempt to tackle it, but he jumped up into the air before I could catch him and I ended up crashing to the floor. I slowly got up from the floor as I used the chair to pull myself up.

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