My Dark Lover Chapter 1

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Alexa's P.O.V.

I was currently walking in a dark alley. I found walking through them to be intriguing and mysterious.

Due to it being dark, I didn't notice that something was on the ground. I tripped on it and fell forward, luckily I didn't fall face first into the ground. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and I turned it on letting the light of the screen be my only source of light.

I turned around with my phone in hand and I saw that there was a body on the ground. I let out a gasp and then I saw the body move. It freaked me out so much I let out a scream that was cut off short. A hand covered my mouth. I bit down on the hand trying to get this person to let go of me but it didn't help at all.

The person knocked my phone out of my hand and then I felt them pull me forward. I felt them bite my neck; I tried to break free but the person was strong. After what felt like an eternity the person finally pulled away from me and then I felt something hit the back of my head.

I woke up in the morning; I knew it was morning because of the sunlight pooling in from the window. I tried to move away from the light but I realized two things. One, I was sitting in a chair and two; I was tied up to it. I let out a loud scream hoping that someone would hear.

I hear the sound of a door opening and then the sound of the stairs creaking as someone walking down on them. I saw a hot looking guy standing there. He was wearing black jeans and a black tank top. He had black short hair and a few tattoos on his arms.

"No one can hear you but me." He says.

Oh God, his voice sounds amazing.

I tried to break free from the ropes but it was no use.

"Stop trying to break free. Those ropes are extremely tight. Now if you promise to behave, I'll untie you." He says.

I stopped trying to break free and he goes behind me. I started freaking out; was he going to kill me?

"Wh...why are you behind me?" I ask.

"I'm untying you like I promised." He responds.

After he untied me, he walked back in front of me and he helped me up. He let go of me and I began to fall forward into him. He lifts me up off the ground and carries me bridal style up the stairs.

We head into the living room and he places me on the couch.

"Do you have questions for me...?" He questions.

I realized that he had stopped talking and that he was asking for my name.

"My name is Alexa." I respond.

He smiles at me. "My name is Ryan." He says.

"Why did you bite me?" I ask.

Ryan, his laughter sounds define.

"Isn't it obvious?" He questions.

"'re a vampire?" I stutter out.

"Bingo. I'm going to go into the kitchen and make you something to eat. Do not even think about trying to escape or your going back into the basement." He says.

He gets up off the couch and heads into the kitchen. I hear him opening up the fridge so I decided to get the hell out of here before he kills me.

I got up off the couch slowly and quietly make my towards the door. I opened the door and before I could even step foot outside I was jerked back and the door was slammed in front of my face.

"Did you think I was kidding around?!" He yells out.

He grabs my wrist and he squeezes it hard.

"You are supposed to behave!" He growls out.

When we got into the kitchen, he squeezed my wrist one more time and then he lets go.

"Now sit your ass down on the chair." He says.

I was about to sit down when I looked at my wrist. It looked swollen and there was already bruising. I looked up slightly to see that Ryan was staring at it too.

"I didn't know I squeezed that hard." He says in shock.

He walks over to me so I back up quick.

"I need to take you to the hospital. I might've broken your wrist." He says gently.

I followed him to the front door. He opens it and then we walk out. After he closes it, he puts his arm around my back and guides me towards his car. I wanted to run off but I knew he would chase me down. He opens the passenger door for me so I get in and then he walks over to the other side and gets in too.

"I am so sorry Alexa." He tells me.

I could not believe that this guy...this vampire, was apologizing to me. He starts the car up and he began driving off. We finally reached the hospital and then he gets out of his car slamming the door. I watch as he walks over to my side and he opens the door for me.

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