Chapter 18 | Charlie, Charlie Are You There?

Start from the beginning

"Anyways, I was going to call you tomorrow to tell you about this great opportunity but I guess I'll just tell you now." Chazelle said motioning me to the side. "What is it?" I asked.

"Well, there's a ballet musical in the city. They've been rehearsing for weeks now but the lead girl fractured her ankle and they're taking auditions again since the backup screwed up. I know it's last minute but I found out this afternoon. I think you're perfect for it. And even if you can't sing, with your talent they would still take you. Auditions start from tomorrow morning till 8pm at the Grande Theatre in the city. You have it to go Blake! It'll look good on your application too."

"It's been a while since I last performed but you're right, anything for NYU. What will I do in the audition though?" I asked.

"Don't worry, they'll judge your dancing and probably your voice but just show off a bit and I'm sure there won't be a probably. They will probably give you a script." I nodded and Chazelle gave me a comforting hug before going back to her friends.

I walked to the kitchen to get a drink, just one for tonight I told myself. I walked into the living room where everyone was dancing. Brianna and Eliza were in their house bunny costumes. Typical cheerleaders. I shook my head laughing at them before joining them. "Where's skywalker?" I asked while dancing to the music.

"He's a sailor tonight. He's giving everyone a sailors kiss apparently!" Eliza shouted over the music. Suddenly the music stopped and everyone glared a the DJ who shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey everyone! To the backyard for some fun!" the host, Martin yelled into a mic and a herd wait, cross that, a stampede rushed to the backyard. We didn't need to walk since we were pushed all the way to the outside. They was a huge fire around which boys and girls dressed in black robes stood chanting things. I felt like this was a cult gathering.

Bellamy stood next to me, his arm loosely hung around my waist.

"Charlie, charlie are you there?"

"Charlie, charlie are you there?"

"Charlie, charlie are you there?"the crowd began chanting.

"Don't you need pencils for that?" I asked Bellamy who shrugged and began chanting too.

This honestly was funny. I could here screams in the distance and laughter.

Martin came back and told us we're going to make a sacrifice to the devil. A group of people dressed in hooded black robes brought a stuffed fake body of a girl with a picture of "martins ex girlfriend" on it.

"Tonight we're giving Satan a sacrifice, Molly Hepburn has volunteered!" Martin said pointing at the stuffed doll.

"She'll turn into Annabelle, don't!" someone yelled from behind us.

The hooded people mimicked an evil laugh as the doll was thrown into the fire. Everyone raised there glass and howled.

"CHUCKIE!" someone yelled throwing a chuckie doll from one of the windows of the house. Drunk teenagers at the bottom fell for it, running and screaming.

Bellamy and I started acting like our psychotic characters and scared a few people around the fire. "Lunatics lets go" Chris said walking towards us. I faked slinging him with my baseball bat but he ducked anyways.

"Why puddin'?" I asked in an accent.

"Can't you smell the weed? Someone threw a bag full of it in the fire. Let's go before the cops come." he said pulling my arm. Brianna stood near the door of the backyard holding up Eliza and Harry.

"No wonder," I said laughing at the people around us. People became drowsy and some did weird things while others realized what was happening and made their way to the door.

I looked at Bellamy who walked closer to the fire taking deep breaths.

"You get Luke, I've got Bellamy," I told Chris before parting ways. I walked over to Bellamy and pulled him closer to me but the caramel flavored beast didn't move.

"Hey, lets go!" I said turning him towards me. His eyes were bloodshot-slightly. He looked into my eyes intently and intertwined his fingers with mine. "Come on! The cops are coming!" I exclaimed pulling him.

A boy next to us heard me started to scream the cops are coming causing more commotion than before. The weed started to get to me and I fumbled on my feet. "Move!" I screamed at Bellamy who snapped out of his gaze and started walking. "Over there," I pointed to the backyard door where Brianna previously stood. Bellamy guided us out and we saw Luke being pushed into Chris's car.

"Let's go to my house," I yelled and Chris nodded. Chris drove off us we got into Bellamy's car.

"Can you drive?" I questioned a silent Bellamy who had a firm grip on my waist.

"Yes," He said but he stumbled down and I quickly held him back up.

"No, okay. Just get in I'll drive." I said and quickly dragged us to the car and strapped myself in.

Blue and red light flickered from behind as I started the engine. I swear I heard a cop trying to stop us but I sped down the street, passing more police cruisers until finally we reached somewhere safe.


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