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Is this Chris? Brother to Andrew? Friend to Vicky?

Yes, is this Klair? The cause of all those boys troubles?

God I hope not.

What can I do for you?

Well, Vicky told me to call you and tell you to tell Andrew to back down.


Victor, I was mad at him and well the nickname stuck.

It's grown on him too, he almost introduced himself as Vicky.

That's hilarious. Totally going to bug him about that.

Please do. So you like Vic?

I do.

Not Andy?

I'm sorry, I don't.

It's ok. I mean Andy really likes you.

I know, and I'm so sorry.

But I guess Vic likes you too. He called me for the first time because of it.

First time?

He isn't exactly social.

I've met you, haven't I? You used the table at the restaurant that one time?

Actually no, see Vic let me. Then I invited people, then my car broke down.

Oh, good. Cause they were a bunch of ass'.

Noted. So I guess I'll talk to Andy. Let him know you don't like him like that.

Please. And be gentle.

He's my brother of course I will.

Thank you Chris.

And Klair.


Go get Vic out of the house, he needs people like us. Otherwise he would stay in the library and study for eternity.

Haha, will do.

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