50th Letter

391 74 19

Dear Kyle,

I hate it here. Please come back. Maybe you won't be in Heaven forever. Maybe they'll let you come back to us. Maybe they'll let you come back to me.

Your best friend, 


 | Hey guys! So I had a basketball game yesterday which resulted in me going to the hospital. Thank God it's nothing too serious and I made it out alive with a wrist and knee sprain which will only take a month or two to heal.  I got extremely lucky, guys. It was one of the scariest moments in my life: I feared that that moment would be the end to my athletic career. But it wasn't, and you don't know how happy I am because of that. So now I'm on crutches and those things are the Devil in disguise, but at least this means I'll be healing. Out of curiosity, has anyone else had to use crutches? What caused you to get them? |

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