Dont tell him ANYTHING!

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The bad news is... he has brain damage and he said that since apparently since Shane and him watched a movie. If you tell him anything that happened between him getting up on the table and him watching the movie it will damage his brain further so you may
only tell him why he is in hospital.
Apart from that he is free to go and will be out to you shortly!
Thank you doctor!
Yeah thank you we won't tell him.
2 minutes after the doctor left
Joey walked out of a room and spotted the boys sat there and ran over! Oh guys the doctor told me you can't tell me anything that happened past the movie. But I can't believe I was so stupid to try and end my life! Thank you so much for stopping me and I don't really mind about not knowing what happened I mean it's not like we had a threesome or won the lottery or anything so it's fine...
Err... yeah!
3 weeks later at 7pm on a Friday
Buzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzz Buzzzz....
Oh hi Shane what's up! Sure!! I'd love to go to the bar with you and Ryland! Kk! Yeah! Ok then... yeah! ok see you there! Bye!
Joey put his hand on Wolfs head and smiled! Heya pouch!! Guess what! I am going to the bar tonight!! I better get ready!!

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