"Always looking fresh to death

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"Always looking fresh to death. Look at that butt." Dinah says. I turn around and see Dinah holding up her phone, most likely on Snapchat, sitting on the edge sod the bed. "Why you gotta talk about my butt?" "Because babe you got the fats. Twerk for me." Just to prove to her point I do it. "Ayyyee look at my baby twerking." I laugh and stop. "I can't twerk anymore. Makes my dick feel weird. " I say as Dinah laughs. "Come on let's go take these kiddos to the fair." Me and Dinah walk out the room and see The rest of Dinah's siblings in the room.
"So Dinah came up with the idea to take all of you guys to the fair. What do you guys think? And Milika and Gordon I'm paying. It's my treat for inviting me into your family. And I'm not going to take no as an answer." Milika laughs and Gordon nods.
"Alright Kamila and the older ones here's $175. You can eat and do whatever you want. Me and Dinah are going to take the youngest to ride the kiddie rides and I don't want to hold you guys back from having fun. Actually here, here's $300 have fun with it go wild. Just answer your phones when either one of us calls got it?" They all nod their heads and walk off.
"Chey! Where are you going?" Cheylise turns around and looks at me. "Come here you can't go with them. Come on mama is gonna take you on rides." She runs to me and grabs my hand. "Come on annoying and Seth. Let's go on a ride and then we can get ice cream." Dinah picks us Seth and Regina walks in front of us. The first ride we go on is the teacups. I rode with Cheylise and Dinah rode with her siblings.
When we get off the ride Regina walks around in a circle. "Dinah stop kissing your girlfriend." "I'm not kissing her Gina. Your just dizzy." I grab a hold of Regina's hand and we walk looking for a food truck. "Mama I want to eat." "Alright we're going to get something to eat." Once we get to the food truck I sit them at a near by table. "What do you guys want?" "Babe you don't have to pay." I walk towards and her and kiss her forehead. "I want to. So what do you guys want? You can get anything." "Hot dog and ice cream." Regina beams. "Ice cream is later but okay. Babe what do you and Seth want?" "Just get chicken tenders and fries. And I want fried dough." I nod my head and pick up Chey getting in line.
When it's our turn I order all of our food and the girl is just staring at me. "Um hello? I got three hungry kids and a girlfriend waiting for me." "Oh I'm sorry what do you want?" "Two hot dogs, one chicken tenders and fries, one fried dough and one cheeseburger. Also with five waters." "You know your really cute. I wouldn't mind a girl with a kid." I roll my eyes and huff. "My GIRLFRIEND doesn't mind either." She leans further out the window showing cleavage. I cover Chey's eyes as she leans her head against my chest sucking her thumb. "Oh well your girlfriend doesn't have to know if ya know. You wanna spend some time together. My break is in 5 minutes."
"Don't you get or understand that I don't want you. I have a girlfriend. I don't want you." "Come on you can suck on these." She said pointing at her boobs. I roll my eyes and groan. I feel a hand placed on my back and a chin in my shoulder. "My girlfriend here doesn't want you. And I would highly appreciate it if you would just give us our food so we could eat. And she does want to... do anything with those. I'm all she needs thank you." Dinah says as she grabs the water bottles and kisses my cheek. And grabs the first tray of food. The girl rolls her eyes and writes something on a piece of paper and places it on the tray handing it to me. I take it and walk to the table.
"What's that?" Dinah says as she points to the piece of paper. "Her number I'm guessing." I say shrugging my shoulders. She takes the paper and looks at reading it. "You going to call her?" She says as she quirks an eyebrow. "Eh maybe. I think I might want to let off on her and call it a day." I say playing around with her. Dinah looks at me and rolls her eyes. She starts to feed Seth by giving him a chicken finger. "Babe I'm just playing." Dinah looks up and the looks away. "But I'm not playing if I break up with you."
I look at her in disbelief. "Your really going to break up with me? I was just kidding around Dinah. I wouldn't do that to you." I see her cut her eyes and sigh. I look to my left to check on Chey and she wasn't there. "Cheylise?" I look around frantically. "Chey baby girl where are you?" "MAMA!!!" I turn around and see someone in all black carrying her running off. I get up and take off running after them. As I get closer I can see the person running faster. "Someone stop them!" When they get to the exit they hop in a car that's parked out front. They get in through the drivers seat and then throws her in the backseat. Oh fuck no. "Someone call the police!" The guy takes off and I sprint off running behind the car.
As I'm right behind the car he speeds up and slowly becomes out of sight. I drop to my knees and start sobbing. They took my baby. My world. My everything. My family from me. I hear someone run towards me and come next to me. They pull me into their embrace and I hear the cries of Dinah. I hold onto her and cry louder. "We're going to get her back Y/N."

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