Chapter 17: Revenge

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Chapter 17: Revenge


Alison's P.O.V

Right now, we are getting ready to take revenge on Ryder. We are in the dark alley making sure we got the plan right. Mckenzie used to be my best friend in first through fifth grade. She is so nice and sweet. I can't believe that Ryder would kidnap her. I hope he didn't do anything with her. Sometimes, she's a good liar.

"Ready to go?" Mckenzie asks snapping me out of my mind and back to reality.

"Yep." I say.

I walk into the house with my crutches and close the door behind me. "Hello? Anyone there?" I say looking around the dark room. "Long time no see, Alison." A dark figure stands in front of me. "Who's there?" I ask even though I know who it already is. Ryder. He turns on the light and faces me.

"Lets have some fun, shall we?" He says smirking. He picks me up and throws me on a chair in a dim lighted room. I suddenly get really scared because I think about all the bad things he is about to do to me. "How's your boyfriend?" Ryder says getting closer to me. Then, three more figures open the door slowly not making a sound.

Ryder grabs me by my torso and moans even though I'm not moving at all. "GET OFF OF ME YOU CREEP!" I yell as I punch his jaw. "Your gonna pay for that." He says touching his jaw as he walks to the bathroom in the room. The three figures help me off of the chair and guide me outside with my crutches while one stays behind. Then, I realize its Cassie and Alexia helping me as we get to the light.

I see Serena and Cindy calling the police and Niall, Liam, and Louis arming some things up but I can't see it because Cassie sits me down on a chair. I see Zayn walking toward me. "Are you okay?" Zayn asks worriedly. I then realize that I have a bruise on my cheek bone when I fell on the chair. Zayn softly strokes his hand on my cheek. "Here, I will help you get back to the house." Zayn says guiding me with his hand around my waist. Then, I realize... where's Mckenzie?

Mckenzie's P.O.V

I walk into the room quietly clutching onto the leather belt. "Okay, Alison, ready to be payed?" Ryder says as he walks out of the bathroom. "What? Don't remember me?" I ask getting ready to hit him with the belt. "Mckenzie?" "Who else? Douche bag." I say as I hit him, as hard as I can with the belt. I slap his face with the belt. Then, I hit his torso, legs, and back with the belt. Then, in the dim light, I see blood dripping from his face.

I decide he's had enough. I grab him by the v neck of his sweatshirt and throw him outside. Louis, Liam, and Niall launch the paintball blaster at him and the boys act like fan girls because they are so excited to use the paintball gun. I turn to my right and see Ryder painted with paint balls. The police arrive and five of them tackle Ryder and hand cuff him.

"Thank you, kids, Ryder was wanted in four states." One police officer says. I see on his name tag it says Angelo. "Your welcome, officer Angelo." I say shaking his hand. "You have won $100,000!" Another says walking up to us. "We don't need it, we are One Direction." Louis states. "Yeah, and we have well payed jobs." Serena says. "Ooh ooh! I know! We can donate it to a children's orphanage!" Cindy says jumping up and down clapping he hands. "Sounds like a perfect idea, love." Liam says while putting his arm around her waist.

"Sounds good to me." Niall says hugging Serena. "Yeah, me too!" Serena says hugging back. "Can we even visit them?" Louis asks. "Im sure Simon will let us." Cassie says.

Zayn's P.O.V

As me and Alison arrive to the front door of the house, I pick her up an carry her to the couch, bridal style. I plop down with her on the couch. "Zayn? What were you doing?" She asks while laying down. "Helping you get to the couch." I answer. "I'm gonna go get some band aids." I say as I walk into the bathroom. I open the cabinet and find a white box. "Zayn, you don't need to get a band aid for me, I'm fine, it's just a bruise." Alison says as I walk towards her. "It's okay. Just thank me by telling me you love me." I joke as I give her a cheeky smile.

I use the napkin to wipe her cheek bone because there's only a little bit of blood. She flinches as I touch her. So I wipe her gently. "Sorry, love." I say as I put the band aid on her cheek. "Thanks, and its okay." She says. Although I didn't realize how close our faces are.

I can't help but lean in closer as her dark brown hair sparkles in the sun light and how her bright hazel eyes are glowing. As soon as I know it, my lips are collided with hers. Her hands go up to my neck and get tangled in my hair. I put my hands on her back pulling us closer together if that we're possible. I pull away for air and I notice how red and puffy her lips are as I kiss her.

"Will you take me back? Please? I love you, alot." I say as we both breathe hard. "Yes... I-I love you too." She says putting a smile on my face. We are sitting on the couch as my phone vibrates.

'Ryder got arrested! Yay! Going out for Mcdonals, meet us there?' Liam texts me. 'Sure, order us some chicken nuggets, be right over there, mate.' I text back. "The lads and the girls are meeting us at McDonalds. Lets go?" I ask grabbing her by the waist. "Yeah, sure just let me get my crutches first." She says as I let go of her and let her get her crutches.

We get to the garage. I open the door for her. "Lady's first." I say guiding her to the garage. He giggles and walks into the garage. We get in the car and I start the car. "Put your seatbelt on, my girlfriend. I love saying that. Ready, love?" I ask. She giggles and says "Yes, I am ready."

Authors Note: I just finished the chapter, hope you like it! Yay! Alison and Zayn are back together! They are my favorite couples. Zalison moment!


Follow me, Malik_Is_MINE

Love, Ally. xoxo

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