Chapter 10: Captured

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Chapter 10: Captured

Alison's P.O.V

"Zayn? wake up, its time for the concert." I say waking up cuddled up next to Zayn and checking what time it is on my phone. 6:30. "Zayn, wake up its 6:30, wake up! Look, I know your sad but is there anything you want me to do?" I say gently shaking Zayn. "Alison, I want you to hug me until I'm better." "Okay, but not for long okay?" I was starting to warm up to the guy, seeing him sad just made my heart stop. "Are you okay now?" "No. Why would Perrie do that to me?" "Look, Zayn if you don't want to be on stage, then do it for your fans... do it for me." "Alison... ever since I layed my eyes on you, I felt like you were a part of my heart... I... I... I love you." "Look, Zayn seeing you sad is hurting me more than you."

Zayn looks up as I hug him tighter. "Really?" "Yes, really, I just don't want to admit it..." "So... you love me too?!" "I don't know... it depends..." I say looking into his eyes. I come closer to his face, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his face and we kiss. He pushes me closer just to deepen the kiss. We pull apart for air. "I love you" He says stroking my hair. "I love you too." He gives me a peck on the lips and stands up and intwines our hands together.

"Come on, Paul said you have to come and do a sound check." I say walking towards the recording room. Zayn let's go of my hand walks toward the room. When he gets to the door frame, he turns around "See you later, love." He says blowing a kiss. "Cheesy move, Malik." I say walking away going into the bathroom.

Zayn's P.O.V

As I walk into the recording room, Paul or none of the lads are here. "Hello?" I say to the light. But by a second, everything goes dark. What the fudge happened?! I wonder if Alison's okay. She actually told me that she loved me! We kissed! Wait... come on Malik! Wake up! Try to find out who knocked you out!!!

I try to open my eyes but it doesn't work, I hear a conversation going on... "Don't worry we're taking care of Alison." One guy says. "She probably won't pass the test." "We'll see..." One of the guys sound like Simon. The other one sounds like Paul. I open my eyes. I am in the corner of a different room, not the recording room. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ALISON?!" I yell standing up and walking over to the guy, he turns around and I was right, it is Simon.

"WHAT TEST?!" "Zayn, calm down." I turn around and look at the room and see the other lads playing on their phones. "We're gonna pretend that you boys are captured and test Alison to see if she was right for the job." "Okay, but just don't hurt her... I love her." I say as a gasp fills the room. "What about Perrie?" Harry asks. "She cheated on me." I say. "You alright, lad?" Niall asks. "Yeah, I was gonna ask Alison out to be my girlfriend." I say sitting down.

Alison's P.O.V

I walk out of the bathroom but get scared when two big guys grabbed me. "WHAT THE FUDGE IS HAPPENING?!" I yell as they throw me to the floor. It hurted. I kick their shins, get up, and find something. A instrument? No. A soccer ball? No. Ooh ooh! A stick! I grab the wooden stick, smack them in the groin, turn them around, and keep on hitting them until they're unconcious.

I find a rope and tie them to a chair. Wait a second... where's the boys? Oh no. This is bad. I run in the recording room and don't see anything but Zayn's phone. He must've dropped it... I pick it up and call Louis... Not answering... not answering... Answered! "Hello?! Louis?!!" "Goodbye Alison." "WHAT?" Then the line gets cut off. I call Liam's phone. Not answering. Not answering. Answered! "HELLO?! LIAM?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" "Help." "LIAM?!" Then the line gets cut off.

I download a app that can track other people's phone in my contacts. I am so smart. I track down Niall's phone since his phone didn't get cut off. I walk to the back of the stage and find the boys tied up to a chair, with their mouths duck taped. "BOYS!!! ZAYN!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I yell with worry as I run toward them to untie them and take off their duck tapes. "You passed the test!" Zayn yells as he runs up to hug me. "What test?" I say hugging him back. "I love you." He says. "Yeah, I love you too, now what test are you talking about?" I say. "You know those guys that tried to grab you? Well that was your test to see if you were good enough to still protect us." Zayn says.

"Oh... Well I'm glad that it wasn't real or else I won't be able to do this." "Do what?" I kiss him gently.

Authors Note: Sorry that this is so suckish because I didn't put that many descriptions. But your lucky that I didn't leave you at a cliff hanger. Comment, Vote, and follow. Thank you for reading my story and for waiting very patiently very week for me to do a update.

Love, Ally. =^.^=

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