Chapter 5: Lost

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Chapter 5: Lost & Found


Zayn's P.O.V

Oh my gosh. Alison just passed out. I pick her up and use a cloth to wipe her bloody forehead. She was losing too much blood that's why she passed out. I lay her in her bed and try to call the police but... just my luck, no reception.

She looks so graceful and gorgeous as she is sleeping. Its starting to turn dark and the next thing I knew it, it was 10 at night. I finally go to bed and try to go to sleep. Suddenly, I hear Alison breathing heavily and screaming nonstop. "IM SORRY MOM I LOVE YOU IM SORRY DAD I KNOW I COULD'VE DONE BETTER!!! IM SO SORRY! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!" She screams making me jump out of bed. "Alison! shhhhh, it's okay, it was just a dream." I say as I try to calm her while laying down with her on her bunk patting her back and stroking her arm.

"NO IT WAS REAL!!!" She says while sobbing. as she tries to get up but I won't let her. "shhhhh... it's okay, it was just a dream, now go back to sleep." I say trying to tell her everything was okay. "Want me to sing you a song?" I say trying to get her to fall asleep. "Zayn?" She asks waiting for a response. "Yes?" I say answering her question.

"You need anything?" I ask. "No, just trying to make sure your safe." She says while turning her body so she can see me face to face. "Are you okay? Want me to get you some water?" I asked trying to be nice. "No, that's okay, just please don't leave, I don't want anything to happen to you or else I will be alone again." She says as she yawns. "Again? Alison? Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked hoping she would answer me. But she already fell asleep.

I realized something... I love her.

~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~

Alison's P.O.V

I wake up next to Zayn. WHY IS HE HERE NEXT TO ME?!? I don't remember a thing that happened last night, all I remembered was chasing after the boys who got kidnapped. I get up not remembering that we are in a bunk bed. I bump my head. "Oww..." I said groaning. Why does this hurt so much? "Good morning Alison" Zayn says while smiling.

"OH MY GOSH did something BAD happen?" I ask. "NO! YOU THINK WRONG! I would never do that, you just had a bad team last night." He says correcting me. I go over Zayn in order to get out of the bunk and get something to eat.

"We need to find the boys." I say. I rub my forehead "OW! How did that get there?!?" I groan and ask in pain. "You don't remember when you fell yesterday?" He says. "No. Why does is hurt so much?" I ask.

I take off my bandage and go to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "ALISON! Don't take it off! it will bleed again!" He says worriedly. He was right it was dripping with blood. "Oh my gosh!!!" I said. "ALISON!!! DON'T TAKE IT OFF!!! YOUR GONNA PASS OUT AGAIN!" Zayn yelled at me as he grabbed a cloth and dabbed it gently on my forehead and then he put a band aid on for me.


As we get out of the bus, Zayn is trying to walk very close to me but I try to walk faster. As we walk farther, I see two old houses with a Washington flag on a pole. The second house looks older and dirtier than the first house. In the backyard of the second house, there is a small yellow playground. I remember this place!!!

"Oh my gosh! Zayn! I know this place!!!" I say excitedly while running to the house. "ALISON! Wait... you know this place?" He asks as he tries to catch up with me. "Duh, I already said that, gosh, are you deaf or something? Now I remember why you are my least favorite." I say. I know that sounds harsh but it's true. "I remember when I was a little girl and I went on vacation with my family, we came here, to my cousins house!" I say while ringing the doorbell.

A tall girl with short hazel brown wavy hair answers the door. "OH MY GOSH! Charlene?!? I miss you so much!" I say as I hug he with excitement. "OH MY GOSH! Alison?!? You are so big!!!" She says as she hugs back. As she stops hugging, she looks at Zayn. "And who is this?" She asks. "He is just a friend. This is Zayn." I say trying to convince Charlene that he is nothing more but a friend.

"Ello. Nice to meet you." He says as he shakes her hand. "British? ahh cute." She says. "Come in, come in!" She invites us inside as I see my niece, Serena. "OH MY GOSH!!! You are so big! I miss you Serena!" I say as I jump to hug her. "ALISON!!! Hi! Wanna play with me? Me and gummy bear are having a tea party! Would you like to join?" She asks, she is such a sweet girl. She has brown curly hair with a light skin color and I think she is about 4 or 5.

"Zayn? Would you like to join Serena's tea party?" I say trying to torture him. "uhh I'm not sure..." He says trying to say no. "No! don't worry! I insist! Go ahead!" I say as I push him to sit on the little pink chair. "Now, can you be a good boy while I go have a grown up talk with Charlene?" I ask trying to tease him. "Ummm-" He was about to say something before I cut him off. "Thanks."

"Hey, Charlene, can I use the bathroom?" I ask. "Go ahead. I think you remember where it was." She says. But she was wrong, I don't remember where it was. I wonder off and into a dark room. I turn the lights on and I see the boys tied up to a chair with duck tape on their mouths. "Oh my gosh!!! how did you guys get here?!" I say whisper yelling. I take off their duck tape of their mouths and untie them. "That crazy girl, Charlene did it!!!" Louis said. I locked the door. "You mean my cousin?" I ask correcting him.

"That harmful beast is your cousin?" Harry said. "Yes... why did she do this to you?" I ask. "Because she is a crazed fan who will do anything to meet us." Niall says. "Wait, is Zayn out there?" Liam asks. "Yeah, why?" I say. "WE HAVE TO GO AND SEE IF HE'S OKAY!" We run out and into the living room but Zayn is still there. "Okay Charlene, we will just be leaving for now... bye, it was nice seeing you!" I say very fast as I grab Zayn by the arm. "RUN!!!" I yell at the boys. I stay behind them as they run to random places.

Then, Liam had found a gas station. "Come on! Let's go! We can go make a phone call to Simon!"


Authors Note: Thank you for reading Protecting One Direction. If you do not like this story then don't read it, I don't need to hear all of your hating words about it. But those of you who do like my fan fiction, then comment and vote. Don't forget to follow me!!!

Shout out to my BFF, Cassidy. Follow, vote, and comment on her books! She is an AMAZING author!

Her username is


P.S. I'm sorry if I don't update in like forever because sometimes I get too lazy to write a new part.

Love, Ally

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