Chapter 22

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Right down to business

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto


(Naruto's P.O.V)

As we walked through the village gates, I thought we looked bad   badass. Every one was staring at us or hiding, I don't blame them, first of all, there's 3 former akatski members, radiating killer intent and are super powerful.
I even heard a kid say to his mom " who are they mommy"? "Shhh dont pay attention to them , they are bad people" ugh we rant that scary ...........are we?? "Hey look kakashi sinsay I've gotten so powerful the whole village is afraid!"

Said duck butt hair. Kakashi just nodded and kept on reading his pervy book, which by the way, I have all of the seasons to and I have also read every book in the series so far.

We finally reached the tower that I thought that I honestly would never see again. "Squad 7 you can go now, me and bird will escort them inside." Said the ANBU to team 7.

"And naruto...when your done....would you like to meet up and have bbq with me and the rookie 9? Like a meet up because we haven't seen you in so long?" Asked sakura.

I sighted "sure" than walked away. I swear all I wanna do is sleep...can't do not hungry....train...sure I feel like trainin but not right now.

The anbu knocked on the hokages door and she said to come in. We did I took my mask off. Jiriah, shezune and granny were their.

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