Chapter 3 (???)

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I'm sorry I haven't been uploading I first tried to upload it but it wouldn't let me then I got grounded so sorry!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto in any way shape or form!!!!!!!

Naruto was getting bored. Had just joined the akatski and he had no missions currently. And yes they are hunting jinturaki but they won't do any thing to naruto because they know that even if they tried naruto would kill them.
Naruto was on a team with itachi and kisame.

Naruto had just decided that he would go visit gaara.

*with gaara*

Naruto knocked on the door when gaara asked him to come in "sup naruto long time no see" says gaara "Hello Gaara ,Tamari ,and kankuro." Says naruto in a calm voice.
Gaara felt quite sad,naruto has definitely changed from the old spunky genin he used to know. " hi naruto " said tamari and kankuro on edge. "So Gaara I have a gift for you" says naruto "O'relly"? Says gaara as naruto pulls out a sword and a brand new million dollar gourd. Garra gasps at the sight "i-is that what I think it is"? Says gaara in a shocked tone along with tamari and kankuro.

"Yes it is it's the gourd of legend and the kanakuluses sword"says naruto as he starts to hand gaara the items when tamari and kankuro get in front of naruto saying "Even if you are a friend of the sand we still have to check those items for genjutsu,booby traps ,or death traps" I nod my head in agreement .

*for the rest of the day gaara tamari kankuro and naruto talk when....*

"I should probably be heading back now" says naruto but before he turns around to leave the door knocks and then there's silence .When Gaara says "Come in"  the door opens and there standing in front of gaara and naruto is
team 7 with kakashi,Sasuke,sakura,and kiba........


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