Chapter 7 ( Christmas filler)

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Disclaimer : I do not own naruto ok ._.


It was Christmas eve . Naruto was laying on the couch with one leg hanging off of it in the akatski hideout. They had a Christmas tree the size of konoha, it was frikin huge!

Itachi appeared out of no were and was sitting on the couch , naruto flinched a little but then again he was used to itachi appearing out of nowhere on such short notice.

" FINALLY IM D-" kurama said as he was cut off by the wonderful rikudou sannin. "KURAMA THIS IS NOT DECORATED THE RIGHT WAY ITS ALL CROOKED AND ...blah blah blah......crooked......blah blah.....kisame could do better........blah."

" what the check happened in her it looks like santa barfed on this place also, kami sent you matching ugly Christmas sweater"~ said naruto chuckling.

"Oh for the love of fudge" kurama and rikudou sannin started pounding there heads on the wall.

"Hehehehhehehehheheheheheheheh" naruto evil laughed.
"OH NO DONT TELL ME"! They both said in unison.
"Yas she's coming to visit and expects you to be wearing the sweaters"~ naruto sang. He was best friends with kami so this was gonna be good

(Back to da real world)

"Hey naruto ya there"? Asked the whole akatski in front of naruto.
"HOW THE FUDGYS DID YOU GET THERE"!?said naruto as he jumped back on the couch.

"Ehem" said pein. "We were going to name off all of the people who were coming to our Christmas party" said pein annoyed.
"YASH" the whole akatski sang accept for pein.

(Now I'm gonna put there names then who they are inviting next to there names ok?)

Itachi: hatsune miku , madara uchiha

Hidan:  ,

hot babes , girls, etc... , jashin, shinigami

Tobi:  ballerinas , penguin , and pink kittys.

Konan: nyan cat , 21 pilots .

Pein: a reanimated yahiko

Kisame: a mermaid ( yes a friggin mermaid)

Dedera: his work of art

Sasori : Cermit the frog

Zetsu :  PLANT CENA ( I'm sorry I just had to X3 ! )

Kakuzu: money ( I was gonna say donald trump because he's a billion air but it might offend some people so I'm just gonna keep quiet.....wait why am I even talking if I said I would keep quiet????Whatever...)

Naruto: kurama , kami , rikudou sannin


Long story short they all had fun ,
Tobi got wrapped in Christmas lights XD.

They all opened there presents .

Naruto opened kuramas gift first and guess what.....kurama got him a red baby Fox! "Oh my kami"... said naruto . "What naruto" asked kami giving him 'le stare ' "N-NOTHING"!
"Good" was Kamis reply.

"So kit what are ya gonna name him"? Asked kurama in his human form." I think ill name him..........fall"said naruto with a smirk.
"Why is that"? Asked kurama curiosly. "Well first off he's the color of a leaf in fall and second, fall was the season I left that pitiful excuse for a village"said naruto.

"Good reasons , good reasons" said kurama. "Oh and here is my gift to you" naruto said as he handed kurama a box. " I - haven't had a gift from anyone since I was a kid"... said kurama sadly. Then he opened it to reveal a necklace with a mammoth tooth on it.

" it's from me and rikudou sannin, it's a necklace that resembles leatership" said naruto.

It was an awesome christmas and one of narutos first , now I'm to lazy and tired to write anymore it's 11:30 pm
and Christmas is tomorrow, so merry Christmas and I'm sorry that I couldn't write anymore but at least it was only a filler right? Because on the real story I wouldn't have done that , now I'm just rambling so good night!

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