Chapter 15 ( Nitsu Revealed )

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Disclaimer : I do not own naruto and neither does any one els on this kami forsaken thing we call the internet .....I mean unless kishimoto has a wattpad account....


(Naruto's P.O.V)

Everyone was there tsunade , jiriah , the rookie 9 (minus Lee) and the other kage's and some other people from other villages.
Ugh I'm so tired of this stupid bitch. I then said "Look if your gonna punch me , at least try to put some effort into it"?this got the saku-bitch fired up and she accidentally punched my nose and my mask came off.....

There was a quick silence and sakura took some steps back . There wasn't any use in hiding it so I flipped my hood off revealing my minato like hair and ocean blue eyes.

" N-naruto" sakura said quite shakily . I just stifled a laugh .
" I guess you got me." I said rubbing the back of my head awkwardly." WAIT , I've had my suspicions but there finally made up your the Fox's shadow in the bingo book " said the raikage and then began blabbering all of my information that was in the bingo book.....

Tsunade then jumps down and gives me a hug. I have to say, i wasn't expecting that to happen but it just did . She then released me." you've been this Nitsu Namushi guy this whole time"? Asked tsunade.

" YAP and you were asking me to train duck butt over there " I say as I point to the hospital.the rookie 9 is in the arena by now , just starting at naruto. Hinata is blushing so hard it ain't even funny. (He definitely has changed) thinks everyone in the rookie 9.

" What have you even been doing these past years?!" Asks jiriah and kakashi." Training" is all  I say with my back facing them.I then began to walk away slowly , until tsunade runs after me puts her hand on my shoulder and says " Ya know , you will always have a home here ....if you ever do come back.." she said . Then a slight tear comes down my cheek.

I recall this emotion is sadness.Jiriah then speaks up and says " YOUR JUST GONNA LET HIM GO?!" Tsunade sighs then turns around to face him and the rookie 9." Yes I am....I noticed it and you should have noticed it to ... , he's not happy here the villagers...."
She then trails off sadly.

At this point I could feel the warm tears rushing down my cheeks.
I then turn around and hug tsunade and then whisper in her ear " T-Thank you...Obaa-chan" she hugs back slowly and starts crying as well at the old name she missed so bad." No problem ....naruto"  she says.

I then release the hug and say " I've got important stuff to do so.....ill be leaving..."I start to walk away when jiriah says "we can make the villagers stop just please come back"! I take a deep breath and say " I'm sorry pervy sage but even if you did that is not the full reason I left the village" I said

" then tell us and we can make it right"! Says jiriah.
" I don't have time for this I have to go-" I said but then was cut off sakura saying " WHAT ?! You just don't have time for this because your with the akatski and you have a 'important missions' to do , we should just capture you right now for information on the akatski , the villagers were right about you , you are nothing but a cold heartless demon , that doesn't care about our feelings and on top of that you hurt Sasuke kun "! Said sakura .

That last comment made me sick .Everyone gasped at her looked a bit taken back.

" First off " I chocked out "if you were to capture me your alliances with the sand and rock are done.  I'm the one who convinced the rock to alline with you and I told gaara to keep the alliance ..and second off if you captured me shinigami San would save me , all the akatski would come and that wouldn't be pretty and third , there is not possible way that you could capture me" I said with words full of venom.

And that shocked the konoha nins.

" oh and your right , I may be a demon ,I may be heartless and cruel , but the only reason I left the village , was for the own villages happiness , not my own  I thought that this village would be better off without me..." I said surprisingly calm.

They all looked a bit sad and shocked.

Sakura then spoke up and said " naruto I'm sorr-" but it was to late I group hugged tsunade and jiriah and then vanished.

794 words!!!!!!! ^-^

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