Capter 17 ( Home Again )

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Disclaimer : I do not own naruto because if I did , than Sasuke and sakura would have died during the wave arc  or earlier.


(Naruto's P.O.V)

" Itachi , you about ready to go?"  I asked impatiently.
" Umm.... Well about that... I was gonna actually stay here in konoha with Sasuke.." itachi said awkwardly.

I felt as if my whole world was crashing down. Itachi was like a brother to me.... and the only one out of the whole akatski that wasn't afraid of me and trained me..Well I mean now they are like family to me but me and itachi had a special connection....

Apparently he saw the look on my face and asked " Would you like to stay here with me?" Asked itachi calmly and happy.

" N-no i-itachi it's f-fine I need to go back, have a good life oh and when I get there ill just tell pein the truth he won't care and if he does then ill personally knock some sense into him..." I said , sadness filling my voice.

" and don't worry ill make sure to visit!" I said as cheerfully as I could. But apparently itachi saw through it. " look I'm sorry but Sasuke is my last remaining family" said itachi.

That really stabbed me in the gut. I thought that he considered me a brother as well..I guess I was wrong...

" No it's fine , I would probably do the same if I ever saw my parents again even if they were in this cursed village" I said which made itachi frown. I looked down at my feet and then looked back up at itachi and said " well...I better get going ... bye itachi... and sorry sasuke." I said and then hugged him tightly before I walked out of the room.

( itachi's P.O.V)

I felt bad for leaving him and the akatski but I have family. And naruto has thought me , to never give up . Heh that kid . I was staring off into space and didn't realize it until Sasuke tapped me on the shoulder gently still in his hospital bed I forced a smile on my face then we began to talk.

( Naruto's P.O.V)

I walked out of the gates receiving some glares from the villagers. I tapped into my communication link and told pein that I'm on my way and about itachi. Surprisingly he took it well and said." I have been noticing itachi was a little off  but I just assumed that was him personally."

( 2 hours later )

I finally walk into the base to see everyone is there and partying. I face palmed and then dedora came up to me and told my to join in , I declined. And then saw pein and konan making out both half naked .

I then mumbled " oh my kami this is gonna be a looooong night"
" huh" asked itachi through the link " DAMN ITACHI YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE LINK STILL" I then disconnected the link between everyone and itachi.

I then went to my room took a shower. Wrote my report and put it on pein's desk since he clearly was busy.

I then went to my room, studied some scrolls and went to sleep.

539 words !!!!!!

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