20. My bag of Alicia

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"Pack quicker!" I heard Ichy yell from down stairs

"I'm trying!" I yelled back according to Alicia I'm taking the longest and everyone else is done -.-

"Done!!" I said running down the stairs to the front door where the group was stood

"Took you long enough" Alicia snickered "I was don't straight away"

"Only because Ichigo packed for you" I fought back "speaking of which, where is she?" I asked

Alicia pointed toward the mini bus which would be taking us to the forest 3 miles away
She was right, Ichigo was sat next to the driver giving him instructions on where to go

"HURRY UP AND GET IN!" She yelled

We all put our rucksacks in the back and hopped into our seats for the journey

The seats were like this:

Ichigo ----------------- Driver

Alicia -Me - Danny - Berry

Jase -Magic- Forest - Pudd

Zakuro- Lett- Mint- Kish

Ren - Paragram

"Thank you David" Berry and Danny said once we started driving, the two had meet him before living with each other and all

He smiled at them through the mirror making Ichigo look over the chair "Here" she gave me a bag with a note attached to it

"What's this?" I questioned

"Shhh!" She pointed at the note and put her finger on her lips signifying that AJ couldn't hear I nodded and pick up the note


Keep these for tonight :p I have the same things to use on Danny haha . Btw use them on Alicia (I planned it to what makes her mad)
~ Ichigo

I nodded at her and opened the bag a little bit so I could see but AJ couldn't The bag consisted of:

1. Rope
2. A fog horn?
3. Smoke bomb
4. TheNicoNicoNii remix on repeat for 10 hours
5. A video of Amelia saying things like 'Double D' ' Harry lover' ect

I laughed at the thought of how angry she will get lol


"We've arrived!" I yelled jumping of the bus and on the the soil "Ok people rucksacks on, we have a forest to walk!"

"Can you pull me?" Ren asked kish who had for some reason brought a sled?

"Sure!" Kish answered placing Ren and his rucksack in the sled

"Let's get moving! I wanna go back to sleep!" Danny said already leading the way... thinking he's the boss just wait until me and Dren get him hahaha

"Kyaaa!!" I Girl voice screamed at the back of the line, I grabbed my metamorphism and prepared for an attack but turns out it was Alicia throwing a worm off Dren -.-

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