11. Drens love triangle

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Dren, Ichigo, ??? = to be found out in Chapter! (picture)

Song "Hurry up!" (video)

Btw I ship IchigoXdren but I don't like Dren in the fandom in that way!

And Welcome thatguyfrominstagram to wattpad! Danny....ugh....great now you can read my stories

(Story is back to ichigos POV)

(11) Drens Love Triangle!

Berry hobbled down the stairs. "I'll stop her Ichigo-San" she stuttered. Danny has came back and was standing next to me.
She slowly hobbled over and Transphomed. Dren was a bout to walk over but I grabbed his arm "let's see what happens" I told him

~Time Skip: 30mins~
Victory: Berry
Lost: Annora
((I'm to lazy to write this))
Berry and Annora were half dead on the floor, Ichigo and a Dren were high five ing each other! Danny was hugging berry. Alicia was nodding in improvement, the Mew mews were laughing, plus the Aliens! The gym was just shocked.

"Haha that was a Amazing berry!" I yelled

~Time skip: 2 hours later~

I realised Dren wasn't in class? I sat next to him I nearly every lesson, that's the bad thing out team are all split up for lessons -.-

I walked out the class room ignoring the Teacher because we had Ryou-sensei the playboy!

I found Dren looking at some pink letter out side the class room he looked sad.... lol
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah just upset"
"About what?"
".....how come whenever I get a girlfriend it's always something wrong with them"
"Maybe you attract weird people"
"Haha very funny bitchigo"
"I'm letting you of because you upset with that one, what's the letter?"
"Oh another 'love letter'"
"You get more than me"
"I'm popular that's why"
"Who's it from?"
"Oh Eclair from primary, you remember her you used to fight over me with her!"
"What...no....I mean! What you going to say?"
"Yes of course she's real nice and she's not evil or anything so why not?"
"Oh yeah about that....."
"About what?"
"I kinda said that I would go out with Mark....."
"Wait what! ICHIGO why him anyone for all I care go with Ren!"
"Ew no thanks"
"Why him"
"Well you're going out with Eclair"
"Yeah but.....fine you win!
"I'll get ya next time just wait!!!"

~Time Skip: Monday 1st period~

Dren POV

"Hey Ichigo!" I waved to her walking in, she smiled at me but it was then when I realised that 'HE' had his arm round her waist!
I sat down in my seat next to her, staring at Mark! The truth is I didn't say yes to Eclair because I liked Ichigo:( ((Here comes my cannon! I totally ship ZoeyxDren but I hate ZoeyXMark!!!!))

Why did she say yes to him! Our Halloween Dance is coming up and I was going to ask her...I guess it wasn't meant to be! I cried in my head...Why? i wonder if i could push Mark in a lake? Haha Dren thats good you really are smart sometimes! but ichigo would push me in the lake if i did...

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! ICHIGO!" I screamed in my head was what *I* thought but i screamed it out load... -.-

"WHAT! BAKA!" Ichigo yelled at me, while blushing and hitting me on the head.

"I'm sorry ichigo!" i said scared

"baka! baka! baka!" she kept yelling "I'm with mark and your with Eclair!"

"NO I'm not i said no because i like you!" i yelled back at her

"what?"she said sitting back down looking at the floor...-_-' Good one Dren now she hates me. i looked round but noticed Marks eyes on me staring in anger, i smiled at him but he didn't...-.- i looked at ichigo who was having some fight with a girl

"what if i made him jealous...?" i thought, i walked over to ichigo and said Very loudly "Hey Ichigo wanna go out to the BEACH this weekend with the group?" i asked her. he gave me the biggest glare you have ever seen in your life.

She turned round to face me "yeah sure if everyone else is then why not" she said smiling "but you and Danny probably just want us to be in swimsuits" she laughed

"what! no..i-i just thought i should ask you" i said... he was really mad now i could tell lol >.< Ichigo then went up to him and kissed hi i could feel my blood boil... He slowly waled up to me and grabbed my shirt, "don get any plans while your gone" he said angry "or else"

"or else what"

"you will see"

"Ichigo has known me for 10 years she wouldn't let you"

"yeah but she's my girlfriend"

"pft not for long"

"what was that"

"nothing" i can't wait for this weekend ;)


Ive only included it becouse the whole group will go out with someone hehe.......

Arigato :0

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