Beauty and her Beast

Start from the beginning

" Shhh it's ok Clark you'll be fine I promise. Diane's voice turned into a whisper as she gazed at the blood which dripped on to her arm from Clark's.
"Please can you take out the krypton yourself Diana I can't bare it anymore, the pain it's infecting every pulse in my body. I haven't felt this much pain since you.... aghh. Diane pulled the blade quickly out of Clark's arm.
A sign of relief became apparent in Clark's face as he exhaled loudly and began to stand on his two feet alone.

Diane continues to take him to the bathroom to wash the blood from his wounds before handing Bruce the blade. Bruce's eyes were filled with relief as Diane quickly exited the room with Clark closely behind her.

As they entered the dim lit room Diane sat down with the first aid kit tightly on her hands, as she opened it and began to pull the bandages out she couldn't help but look up to see Clark staring at her with a small smile on his face.
" For a guy that's just be almost killed you look pretty happy" she smirked
"Well I had someone to come back for" Clark exhaled very quietly before tearing his top half of his suit off slowly, Diana could only try and look away but some how became slightly shy .
"OK handsome enough showing off "
As Diane began to wash the blood off of Clark she began to become curious as to how this had all happened and why both john and Ollie had never anything to them before he waked in.
Agh Clark hissed as Diane began to bandage the damaged arm up.
" Guess your not so brave after all Clark" she giggled
" Yeah yeah ok it's was pretty painful though just like ...hmm...uhh..don't matter"
"Like what.. wait you said something like this out there what did you mean?"
Clark took a deep breath trust me I'll tell you later"
Diana stared puzzled at his facial expression
"OK if your not going to tell me at least tell me what happened to you?"
"Like I said I'll tell you later" he hissed

As Diana sat next to Clark in silence she knelt down in front of him and held his both cold hands firmly
" I know your hurt, it Lois right. I do understand and if you ever need to speak to anyone I am here for know that" Diana slowly stood up before approaching the door.
"Diana wait...there was something I never told you or anyone for that matter about me and Lois. we ended out relationship a year ago.. and before you ask why who what when. We pretended to be together for her safety.
We broke up due to out differences but mostly for the reason I fell for someone else."

Diana stood astonished " no that can't be right you two were in love.. doesn't make any sense" Clark had stood up towering over Diana who look lost and confused
" Diana you know me and you know I could never live a lie, when you love someone you know you can never let them go that's why it's time I told you who I love..... it's and always has been..


"Diana are you still in there with Clark?" Bruce firmly shouted
" Yes I'll be out in just a second"
"Can you open the door please" Bruce stood opposite the door becoming more and more anxious as the seconds became minutes.
"Yes sure no problem"Diana said worryingly. Clark before Diane could open the door put her back to the door and placed both of her hands on his chest.
"Don't answer the door I need to tell you some thing"


Diana quickly slipped her hands from Clark's chest and pulled off the remainder or her cape from her suit and wrapped it around Clark's body before opening the door to see john, Bruce and Alfred gazing at them fearfully. Clark barely looked at anyone of them and only uttered a few words mostly aimed at Diana.
" I'm going to see how Ollie's coping I can hear his heart rate from here" swiftly exiting the room leaving Diana almost dazed.

As Diana followed Bruce to the large black chair he sat Bruce swivel chair, where he sat hands clasped staring abruptly at Diana before rising to his feet and softly caressing Diana's face.
"Are you ok" he asked sympathetically his hand still softly placed on her face.

"I need to see how johns doing his face was ghastly when he walked in here"

"I don't think you should speak to him at the moment he's little shaken up"

"well maybe I should go speak to him then, I need to see how he's doing for myself" Diana began to walk slowly towards the darkened corner where john sat mumbling and staring blankly at the wall. Bruce grabbed Diana to stop her going anywhere near john.

"what are you doing " Diana hissed angrily

"please Diane trust me some things have to be left in the dark" hissed Bruce which did little to stop Diana as she continued over to John still a little hesitant after Bruce's few words.

"Are you ok john....john...JOHN!!!!!"

Johns head was focussed towards the cold metallic looking blank wall and rose to Diana's direction when called. his eyes showed only emptiness and sadness.

"Aww Diana, sweet Diana only if you knew your heart would fill with disgust and pain. I wouldn't have know what he was capable for you..for you.... he did it for you.. so much blood, everywhere. he lied to us all, he told us his feelings could be controlled, no not anymore!!! he is a murderer!"

"wait john what do you mean? who's a murderer?" Diana stood frightened.

Bruce stood face down as he watched John place his cold hands upon his head and cry.

"Diana I tried so hard to protect you from this" Bruce angrily shouted as he punched the wall.

"I don't understand what you are both talking about oh hera just spit it out both of you"

John stood up and placed his hand on diana's shoulder, he killed those people for you because he thought you where beginning to fall in love with someone else he was angry and .... he saw how close you and Bruce have become.

"who killed for me" Diana screamed

"Clark....It was Clark" Bruce exclaimed Diana began to move backwards away from Bruce and john.

"no not Clark he wouldn't he.. no!"

Diana began to retreat to the wall." I need to go to bed I'm... tired"

Bruce approached Diana "cant we talk about this please" Diana continued to ignore Bruce and slipped away to a quiet secluded room followed by john and batman where she threw herself under the cold covers quietly clasping on to the quilt, her world was falling apart. Bruce sat next to her before slipping under the covers with her, softly wrapping his hands round her waist, pressing her head into his chest as she began to sob. His warm lips touched her forehead then her lips as they began to fall asleep unknowing what there future held.
Diane still wrapped around Bruce sympathetically stared at john trying to communicate with him without attracting Bruce's attention. without saying anything she mimicked the words show me!.
John knowing exactly what she meant walked over and placed one hand on his forehead and another on Diane's hand unknowing he was also leaning against batman. Before he could remove his hand from batman it was too late and he began showing both Diana and Bruce what really happened with superman. As all three minds began connected by telekinesis Bruce awoke. Each one of them could see not only the events of superman's battle but much more than they could have possibly imagined especially the dark secret batman had hoped would never resurface until now.

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