Kissed by Fire

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Chapter 17

Dianas heart began to pump in fear as she sprinted back to Clark's room.
"how could he and Bruce dare think they could do this to me, I fought joker and Ares alone while they feared there own shadows." She shouted in anger while pressing her head firmly against the bedroom door. "I will be on that rescue mission whether they like it or not." Full of anger and rage Diana punched hard against Clark's bed, shattering the internal frame and the floor with it. As Diana began to regain her composure lifting her small fragile hand from the broken bed a syringe rolled into the dent of the bed, created just moments ago capturing Diana's eyes. The serum Clark had intentions of using on Diana lay before her. As she picked it up slowly, analysing every aspect of it and it's sickly yellow looking formula which oozed poison even from the smell of it.
Diana grasped the syringe tightly in her hands contemplating on what to do next. Would she hide the syringe ? she thought....No Batman would obtain more or would she use it against them? A full syringe filled substance would knock you out for about six hours maybe seven she thought. If she used half a string for both Bruce and Clark she could take full control of this mission with the satisfaction of knowing her loved ones were safe.
"Diane" I thought you were with Alfred ? Clark exclaimed as he entered his room unknowing Diana stood discreetly concealing the syringe in her hand a little caught off guard by Clark's presence. " No he had something else to do I think but I really wanted to speak to you about something important..well something which has been dawning on my mind for a while." Clark's eyes widened and his throat became dry as he became uneasy at the thought of what Diana was wanting to say. Diana motioned Clark to sit on the broken bed next to her which he did hesitantly. Diana contemplated on whether what she wast honking of doing to Clark and Bruce was at all courageous or just simply idiotic. Either way she had no choice and would have to continue with her plan.

" Clark I just wanted to see how you were feeling, I know how upset you where before Alfred came in." Clark smiled at Diana with such love and warmth as he began to contemplate on whether attempting to drug Diana for the sake of a mission. Was he about to allow Bruce to control him and provoke him into betraying one of his closest allies and love interests?"
In a moment of hesitation Clark quickly scooped Diana in his arms as she lay across the bed almost dazed by his sheer force. His body illuminated as it pressed against hers as he began to feel her heart rage on faster but as he began to move in closer, his lips perching closer to hers Diana began to see this as her only opportunity to take Clark down. Without hesitation Diana also moved in closer to the man of steel. Suddenly Clark pulled away ever so slightly almost biting his lip solemnly
"when I'm around you I can't control myself, when I touch your skin I can't stop..." "Then don't" Diana exclaimed pulling Clark firmly by the collar and pressing her lips against his. The sweet sensation of forbidden love surrounded them especially Clark who had dreamt all of his life of this moment. Suddenly darkness. Diana while wrapping her arms around Clark's neck plunged half the serum of the unknown drug into his blood stream causing him to collapse. His large body stumbled only for a moment before he became unconscious and fell into Diana's arms. Quickly Diana slipped Clark gentle onto the bed before giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry Clark" Diana quietly whispered before she slowly exited the room to find Bruce and stop him also from going on this suicidal mission.

His dark hair shone in his dim lit room. Diana approached with caution still grasping tightly to the vile of toxic which stained her with guilt and betrayal. Slowly she drifted closer and closer as he sat blinded by his addiction where sat hypnotised by large computers screens pulsing away. Diana had already betrayed Batman once and all she could remember after doing it was his eyes darkened by her distrust and disloyalty to him.
Focus. One Amazonian hit to the neck with this poison and it will all be over with. 3..2...on......"Diana I didn't hear you come in what's wrong ?" Diana's heart melted as Bruce's soothing voice jolted her heart to beat faster than usual. "I ... I'm..." Diana struggled to say any thing before Bruce grabbed her tightly without saying a word stopping Diana stuttering with hers.
" Diana there are things we want to say to each other that don't require words.
The first day I met you I for once in my life found I struggled to stay apart from you and seemed to hate you in some ways for the way you made me feel. But through the past six months I have cherished every moment and have spent it trying to protect you and for that I know the world does not need a Batman any longer and you don't need to hurt of what could have been."Nooooooo....." Diana's voice drifted to silence as a small vile of a similar substance stuck out from her back, Diana tried to pull away from Bruce as she struggled to hold herself up. Diana slay on the floor in the arms of Bruce who's eyes grew teary. " you stupid man why? ..... I could have saved us both.... I don't want ... to lose you....again" Batman smirked, "
I know and it's the people we love the most we are will to dying for princess.....goodbye"
"You knew .....all along .....I would try and take.. you both ...down."
Diana's eyes closed slowly leaving Bruce alone in his room, he slowly kissed Diana on her head as lay her on his bed grasping tighter and tighter as he released her. Was this the last time he would hold her?

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