Chap 6

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  • Dedicated to Johnathan Weis

According to the Captain's log we one thousand five hundred miles north of Hawaii. That meant that if we continued at our current speed we would make it to Midway in maybe three days. That is if we sailed through the night and didn’t run into trouble.  

Over the course of the next few days we took stock of the Admiral Johnson, renamed the Revenge after our purpose. It was literally a gold mine of weapons and equipment. On one of the decks we discovered a room full of what appeared to be simulators. However once we inspected them closer we discovered that they were really controls to different U.A.Vs. The really interesting part was that each U.A.V. was a  smaller version of a full scale aircraft. Our stock included an A-10 Warthog, two F-14 Tomcats, one Mig-21, four AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters, one B-52 Stratofortress, and one SR-71 Blackbird. Another interesting feature was the fact that they were all powered by solar energy

The controls weren’t restricted to just aircraft either. In an adjoining room there were controllers for ships, tanks, and self-propelled howitzers. All total we could probably have fought the entire war from the Revenge itself.

Down in the weapons and munitions room we discovered M-16s, M-4s, M-60s, flame throwers, grenades, bullets that were capable of tracking targets, torpedoes, and missiles. We were definitely set for a while.

For the remainder for the journey we ran into no trouble. Every now and then an airplane or the occasional helicopter would appear on the radar screens. Usually they would just come into sight then turn around and go back. However one helicopter did fly over the ship. We knew we were being watched.

There where a few other prisoners on board who wanted nothing to do with our cause. They requested that we drop them off in Hawaii and we where more than happy to oblige.

In our spare time we practiced with our combat skills. It took us some time to get used to the UAVs. However we all had a blast setting targets out on the water or chasing each other through the skies trying to see who could out maneuver the other. We also practiced room clearing techniques, demolitions, anything that we would need to win the upcoming battle.    

Blood Shattered Skies Book One: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now