Found you

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Midorima was searching though some files his dad was supposed to be assigned to. His dad was a forensic at a detective firm for Japan. They were the ones responcible with missing people. He looked through most because his dad wanted him to recheck the data. He then came across a file which had almost nothing in it but pictures and data reports. He opened it and was shocked and he ran out of the house to the Vorpal Company. He burst in and slammed the file on the table. Kuro was teaching so he was out. "Missing Person's report? Mido-kun?  What is this about?" Satsuki asked as she was visiting. "Kuroko. Is on it." He panted and they immeaditly opened it. "Wait. Midorimaicchi you ran 2 miles to give this to us?" Kise asked. Stasuki scanned through the Data Report. "Tetsu was missing 4 years ago?" She asked. "Apparently since he is practically invisible they don't have much info on him. They think he was killed in a car massacre back then." He reported. He took out another file that shows the car explosion that occured 4 years ago. Many people were burned. 

"So. Tetsu is..." Aomine teared up. "Don't finish that sentence." Murasakibara stopped Aomine. He stopped eating Maiubo and everyone was silent. Kuro walked in and tripped startling everyone. "Sorry." He apoogized and bowed. His long hood puzzled Satsuki. Who was he? He started cooking and plated many dishes since we have big eaters. Everyone surprisingly ate a lot. More then usual. "Is. Every. Thing. Al. Right?" He asked and Satsuki was startled. "He. He. IS a stutterer?" She asked. "Yes. Speech Problem." Kagami responded stuffing the chicken into his mouth. "My name is Momoi Satsuki call me anything you want." She greeted. "My. name. Is. Kuro. Can. I. Call. You. Momoi. San?" He questioned and everyone's jaw dropped. "Momoi san?" they all asked gulping down their food. "Momoi san? Nobody calls me that anymore." She sighed and nodded in agreement.  "I. Am. Sorry. Did. I. Say. Some. Thing. Wrong. Again?" He asked. She shook her head. "No." She looked down. He got up and tripped over a file and looked at it. "Neh. You. This. Explosion. Occured. After. That. Bank. Attack?" he asked. "I. Survived. But. This. Is. The. Reason. I. Can't. Talk. Right." he stated and Midorima glowed. "Thats it! This car explosion was near the bank. If you survived then Kuroko may have too!" He screamed in delight. Kuro smiled and went to open the door and brought a dog in. "This. Is. Nigou." He told them and jaws open more. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT DOG!" Riko exclaimed. "Hmm? I. found. him. outside. a. resturaunt. one. day." he responded. He barked and licked Riko in the face. "You. can. have. him. He. seems. to. like. you." He responded. "He. always. runs. away. from. me." he sighed laughing a little. The dog bit on his hood and yanked it off. Kuro stumbled and grabbed the hood back immeaditly. 

He sighed and went back to washing the dishes. "Is he your maid?" Satsuki asked. "No. He always does this." Kagami sighed. "Kagami. Kun. Maybe. You. Should. Wipe. Your. Mouth." He suggested and Kagami wiped it and threw the napkin in the trash.  Kuro's phone rang and Satsuki accidently eavesdropped. "Hm. Inspection. All. Most. Done." he smiled and put his phone away. Momoi was confused and the next time Kuro was out she told them. "I am serious Daiki! I literally heard Kuro say he was inspecting you!" she shouted. "Satsuki, why would Kuro do that?" he groaned. Kuro's phone rang. Kagami picked it up and it was on speaker phone. "Oi! Kuro! Did you do it yet? We are counting on you and your infiltration skills!" the call hanged up and everyone now believed in Momoi's words. She pouted in the corner. "He is an spy?" Kise asked. "I can't believe it! That was Takao's vioce!" Midorima shouted. A call came but its from someone else. "Kuro. When are you coming back. You get those info yet? We can't get back at them if you don't send us their info! Are you hesistanting?" It was a male voice and it  hanges up afterwards. Everyone was puzzled who wants revenge on them? 

They made a whole list and it consisted of: Takao, Himuro, some other bands they faced, Wakamatsu, and Tetsu. The list was long but then Kuro came home and then an apple fell onto the floor and he used his foot to catch it. Everyone was staring at him and was holding his phone. He knew they had caught him. He set down his groceries. He snatched the list. "Oh? I. Guess. You. Found. me. Out. Good. For. You. But. Sadly. You. Are. Wrong. I. Have. Sneaked. In. Here. More. Than. Once. One. As. Whistle. And. My. Band. Is. Made. Up. Of. People. You. GOM. And. Kagami. And. The. Others. Have. Wronged." he smiled and cooked food and left out the door. "Prepare. Yourselves. Oh. And. i. Forgot. To. Mention. Your. Kuroko. Tetsuya. Will. Be. There." he smirked and left.     ________________________________________________________________________

Sorry everyone if it is short I have already started writing the other parts so I will post one soon! Stay posted.

-River out!

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