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The Next morning Kuro woke up and everyone was sitting looking at him. What. Is. Going. On?" He asked. "Kuro why did you buy pain killers. what happened you?" Kagami asked. "I. can't. tell. you." He replied trying not to answer. Akashi demanded an answer. "I. Am. Sorry." A tear streamed down his cheek and he wrote it all down. 

"When I was 17 I got into an accident. I didn't care if I died because everybody I thought were my friends abondaned me and threw me away. So one day I met this old lady."


'Why did everyone betray me? What did I do to deserve this?' He thought and walked not caring to stop at red lights. "Son? Are you ok?" An old lady tugged on him. 'I must have not used my lack of presence enough' he thought. "I am ok." he lied. "I want to know what troubles you. You seemed depressed." She answered and conforted him. "I-I" he cried on the old lady and she conforted him. 

The next few months he had spent his time with the old lady taking care of her and helping her everyday. He had already quit school and was home schooled by his brother. One day the old lady's apartment caught fire and he was told not to come near. The old lady was on the top floor of the three story house. He climbed up the neighboring house and jumped off the roof onto the burning house. The lady had already collasped. A piece of wood burned his shoulder and he dragged the old lady out of the house. The fire fighters took care of her and he left her to the medics. He passed out a block away and the medics took care of him.

The old lady died a week later from a stroke. He cried over and over and ran away from home to an that burnt house that had a hole in it but the top floor was intact. He didn't care if he died. "I-I kill everyone I meet. I am the bad luck bringer." He beat himself up about it and cried himself to sleep. The next year he got a job as a accountant at a bank. "How do you do sir? Would you like to deposit or withdraw from your account?" He asked everyone that question 20 times this morning. Just to his bad luck a attack struck. "Hands up! Hands up!Don't even think about the police saving you!" He holded up the button for a silent alarm in his hands. There was pregnant young woman in the lane next to him. "Give me your money!" The second robber demanded and he took out the money and stuffed it into a bag. The other woman was crying because she thought she would never make it. "My baby. I am afraid mommy is not going to survive." She whispered desperatley to liv. He conforted her. "Its alright I will make sure you live."he calmed her down. "How?" She asked crying. "Everyone distract them for one second I will grab the alarm." He ordered the others. "Its ok. I already have a deathwish." "My baby! Oh my baby!" The woman tried to sound like she was about to give birth and the others followed the idea. He stealthy went up to the person and snatched the alarm pushing it. 

Of course everyone was angry and attack him. They took out a knife and slit his throat slightly. He grabbed the man and threw him to the safe locking him in there. "Run!" He shouted as loud as he could and another attacker shot him in the chest and arm. He limpedly dragged the survivors out and another attacker hit him with a big metal box in the back. he groaned in pain and kicked the person unconcious then passed out himself because he was hit in the head severly and was losing a tremendous amount of blood by the minute. The next day he was in the hospital having therapy classes. "I. Can't. Speak. Right." he talked desperatly. "Unfortunatley you cannot use your voice. You are excerting yourself just by speaking. You can never sing again. Luckily you survived with those wounds." The doctor left and he slowly sobbed away. "Why. Did. Fate. Have. To. Hate. Me. Just. Want. To. Die." 

End of Flashback

They read what he wrote. They understood why he never wanted to talk about it. "This. Is. Why. I. Hate. My. Name. It. Brings. Back. Bad. Memories." He choked back sobs. They stopped questioning him about his name and later went to a party for idols. Kuro wore a tux with a black hood over his head and the others wore tuxes and dresses. He had some trouble with the cuffs so they helped him. "What is your name misuor?" The butler asked. "My. Name. is. Kuro." He pronounced slowly. "Sorry you are too slow please speak faster. "My. Name. Is. Kuro." He said a little faster. "Sir. Please tell me your name." He pleaded. " His name is Kuro sir." Yuki spoke up. They entered the party and Kuro tugged his hood down even lower so his mouth was only showing. There was a bar set up with a dance floor and karaoke contest was set up for the end. Kuro grabbed fruit punch since he refused to drink. Kagami and Aomine had a drinking contest and they never got drunk easily. Yuki was laughing. "Yo. Swords. Wanna do team battle?" a group offered. "Bring it on." Akashi responded. They went on the dance floor and started dancing to the music. The other group's dancer was talented as he was the third best in the prefectural. Even Aomine who was skilled could beat him. Kuro challenged him and they started dancing. He put on a black maskand started dancing. The dancer was having trouble keeping up with him as Kuro did some breakdancing and some jazz moves. He moved slick and fast. He did jumps and flips with ease. 

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