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Everyone had celbrated Kuroko's birthday and it was the best day until Riko realized who they be singing against The bad boy Hanamiya. Last year he destroyed us by taking out Kiyoshi who is in America for rehab and treatment. He won't be coming back any time soon. In team battles Hanamiya uses his team to give the crew horrible injuries. Any body who was famous or very skilled he would target. Kuroko and Yuki might be in trouble. Not a lot of people know Kuroko because he is usually unpopular. Yuki is a girl so he might go easy on her. 

She looks at Kuroko and think he will be fine as long as no one recognizes him.


"Ohh. So you obtained one of those huh?"  he smirked as they got ready for the next battle. "Ok guys Hanamiya is a very tricky guy. Especially since you guys are doing team battles. (Both teams on the same stage)Ok so the requirement is two dancers, a lead singer, backup singer vocalist and  band members. We have all of this but we don't have any dancers. Hyuuga pondered and everyone strangely looked at Kuroko who had passed out from the bubble tea challenge. (Kagami won by 8 drinks and Kuroko lost at 6 drinks) Yuki had passed out besides him now leaning on his shoulder. Kagami looked at both of them and saw how close they were. "How about Kuroko. He dances good." Izuki added. "How about Yuki can she dance?" Koganei asked. "Hey Fighter is the song we are doing right? She does karate moves and they are considered as a dance." Furihata noted. 

Yuki got up and tripped over a drink landing on kuroko. She was VERY close to his face. Good thing no one saw that she was up. She lowered herself off Kuroko and went towards the group they were in. "Hey guys what up?" she asked groggy. "Hey can you dance?" Kagami asked. 'Me. I don't think i can. I mean Kuroko taught me a little." she responded. "Well then you are our dancer."Riko jotted down her name. "I have already come up with a routine." she answered. "Who is the other dancer?" she asked and they pointed at Kuroko which surprised her. The mother came in and asked, "Oh I can finally see Kuroko dance again. What dance is he doing?" "Umm jazz ma'am." Agave responded. She went to put a blanket on Kuroko and left. 

In the morning:

"I am the dancer now?" Kuroko was shocked and a little worried. "Yes with Yuki." Agave replied. Riko showed them the dance routine and timings and the music played. Yuki was a little sloppy but her kicks and punches were firm. Kuroko was great but they didn''t really get the routine down. The song either sped up to fast or they couldn't catch up to the rhythm. "Wow, this song is" Yuki said panting. "No kidding. I couldn't catch up." Kuroko said. The next day Riko didn't see them in class or at club. "They are ditching?" she said her soul on fire. "No I think they might be on the roof." Kagami pointed at the two figures dancing on the roof. They watched them dance by the window they used to spy on Kuroko earlier. 

"Ok maybe a little more to the right?" she said as Kuroko was dancing. "More right? My foot is going to snap like that!" complained Kuroko. "But your pivots look really weak!" Yuki shouted. "Fine but if my ankle breaks its on you!" he teased. "Fine then its my turn." She started dancing while Kuroko was observing. "I think when you are alternating from the axe kick we could change it into a snap kick so we have stamina in the end." He said. "Is it alright to change the routine?" she asked. "Is it alright to lose stamina in the end and collaspe?" he questioned. She nodded and went to dance. She saw Kuroko inspecting her form and she blushed as she did it. She fell and almost twisted her arm and Kuroko caught her in his arms. "Are you ok. You didn't twist anything right?" he said concerned. "Yeah I am alright. I think I need a break." she replied. "Yeah. Heyguys you can come out know. I can see you." he shouted at the door and it opened.

They all came out and handed them towels. "Hey lets go somewhere." Riko said smirking. "Why do I get a bad feeling about this?"  Hyuuga said. They went inside a kids playcenter. "Why are we here?" Kagami asked. "You will see." Riko replied. They went further in and there was a kids karaoke center. She pushed all of them on the stage and played the music. "You are now official entertainers." She claimed. They were surpirsed and the kids started getting seated. They started singing and the kids were clapping at the dancers mostly. Yuki did ok but both of them couldn't catch up. Then the dance routine changed. Instead of both of them dancing on seperate sides they linked up and did team karate which made them catch up to the beat. It was an awesome change. 

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