Chapter 15: Pertemuan keluarga Darco dan The Class of Defend and Dark Art

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Kelas pada hari ini bermula pada jam 10 pagi. Aku akui yang kepala aku masih pening kerana tidak cukup tidur. Mata ku hanya memerhatikan jam di tangan. Jam di tangan ku menunjukkan pukul 10.15 pagi. Sepatutnya pensyarah sudah tiba di kelas dan mengajar. Tetapi kenapa belum tiba lagi. Aku meletakkan kepala ku di atas buku yang sudah tersedia ada di atas meja. "Kau pasti tidak cukup tidur." Tegur Takao yang duduk di sebelah kanan ku.

"Maybe." Jawabku.

"Emi, kau tidak pernah begini. Ada sesuatu yang mengganggu kau lagi?" Tanya Izanagi yang duduk di meja sebelah kiri ku.

"Izanagi, kau pasti cemburu dengan Takao. Dia selalu sahaja duduk di meja yang kembar dengan Emi." Sindir Tadashi. Izanagi menumbuk perut Tadashi. Cough! Cough! Tadashi terbatuk. "Relaks la. Aku bergurau saja." Kata Tadashi.

"Aku tidak begitu kisah tentang itu. Lagipun Takao mengenali Emi terlebih dahulu." Kata Izanagi yang duduk di sebelah Tadashi. Bibirku tersenyum kepada Izanagi.

"Good morning, everyone!" Jeritan Professor Roosevelt Evan mengejutkan semua pelajar. Aku duduk tegak dan melihat Professor Roosevelt Evan berjalan maju ke hadapan bersama Eros. Mataku terus melihat Professor Roosevelt Evan dan Eros sehingga mereka tiba di hadapan papan tulis. "Sorry I'm late to inform you. Professor Izzy was retired. So, let me introduce to you a new professor. He is Professor Eros Peteson. He is skillful in Dark Magic Art."

"But, Professor Evan! Professor Evan too young. His age like 16 years old." Tegur seorang pelajar.

Professor Evan tersenyum. "Do you want to know what age I am? If I tell you, I am sure nobody will believe. Never mind. I don't want to share with you how come I look so young even my age already 222 years old. If you want to know, you need to study well." Jawab Eros.

"I think someone enjoy himself because of his looking." Sindir Professor Roosevelt Evan.

"Whatever. Okay, right now let start our lesson. Welcome to Defend and Dark Magic Art class." Kata Eros sambil membuka sebuah buku bertajuk "Dark Art" "Turn to page 105" Arah Eros. Sebagai seorang pelajar, lima orang kami membuka buku Dark Art pada muka surat 105. Aku membaca tajuk besar bab yang bakal kami pelajari. Bab tersebut bertajuk Dark Fire. "You can see that we will learn about Dark Fire. Dark Fire is the power created by dark magic. Why we need to learn it?" Tanya Eros kepada kami semua.

"As protection?" Jawab Kiyoko tanpa kepastian sama ada jawapan itu benar atau tidak.

"Yes. We learned it as protection but that not the only reason. We need to learn Dark Fire because some area in this world, only dark magic can work. As example, Dark Forest place. That place, only dark magic work. The mage who is own the dark power, they can go there without any problem. But the mage who is not own the dark power, they may have some problem. So, they need to learn how to use dark magic with their wand. Not only use but control it. Control dark power is not easy. If your soul weak, dark power will take over you and they will control you. The effect, you will be bad mage or mage don't have heart. So, before we practice this power, you need to understand the concept." Eros terus mengajar kami tentang ilmu Dark Power.

Ketika dalam kelas, seorang pelajar lelaki amat menarik perhatian ku, iaitu Ziel Darco. Aku boleh nampak yang lelaki itu amat bijak dalam mengawal kuasa gelap. Aku percaya yang dia pasti dilahirkan dalam keluarga mage yang mengamalkan kuasa gelap. Matanya sudah cukup memberitahu aku.

"Ziel Darco, he is the son of Darco family. His father is Zion Darco, the one of Magic Ministry." Sabrina Pegiet, iaitu rakan sekelas ku berbisik kepada ku.

"Do you really know him?" Soalku.

"Not really. I'm from Mermaid Group. Impossible if I get close to him. But what I know, he like to bully people and arrogant. If he doesn't like anything about this school, he will tell his father and his father will make the deal with this school. But what can we do? His father is powerful person." Kata Sabrina dengan nada marah. Mataku terus melihat Ziel sehinggalah Ziel memandang ke arahku. Di saat itu, aku terus mengalih tumpuan ke arah lain.

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