chapter 11: Relaxing

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Tom woke up and saw Tord with him. Tom blushed and carefully got out of bed. Tom went to to exit through his door...but there was a picture of him and Tord cuddling taped to his door. Tom quickly grabbed the picture and looked back at Tord.

"Edd." Tom grumbled. Tom walked into the living room and noticed Matt in the living room, looking into his mirror.

"Matt, where's Edd?" Tom asked with his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"He's in the kitchen." Matt answered. Continuing to stare at his reflection.

Tom went into the kitchen and sure enough, Edd was in the kitchen, eating his breakfast.

"Edd." Tom said plainly with no emotion.

"Yeah?" Edd said taking a bite of his cereal.

"What is this?" Tom asked pulling out the picture. Tom continued to do this with no emotion.

"Ohhh...its a picture of you and Tord." Edd said being sarcastic.

"I know that, I'm asking why you took the photo." Tom said becoming annoyed.

"You guys were just so cute sleeping together. I just couldn't help myself." Edd said smiling up at Tom.

Tom huffed and went back into the kitchen. Tord must of woken up because he was sitting on the couch talking with Matt. Everyone seemed to be getting along. Tord seemed to have changed for the good. Tom liked seeing everyone getting along.

"A picture will last longer." A voice said with a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence. I guess Tom was staring at Tord for a while. Tom was pulled out of his thoughts.

"S-sorry, I was just spacing out." Tom went over and sat next to Tord. Tord put and arm around Tom and pulled him closer.

"Let go of me." Tom said lazily.




Tom sighed and just sat there, not wanting to fight with Tord. Matt looked like he was going to explode soon.

"Matt, you ok?" Tom asked with a lazy smile stuck on his face.

"You guys are just so....CUTE!!!" Matt practically exploded. Tord chuckled and Tom blushed lightly.

(A/N: sorry that this chapter was so short. I am in school right now, but i'll update another chapter soon tho. If you guys have any requests, ask away. I can do bonus one shots along with the story. Love u guys!! Sorry if there r any errors)

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