Chapter 6: Lake fishing

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//Narrator POV//

Edd was driving everyone to the new fishing spot so everyone could have fun. The boat was hitched and everyone's fishing poles were ready to go.

"Edd, i still don't appreciate the fact that you wouldn't let me bring my harpoon gun with us." Tom pouted.

"Tom, you know that would just get us kicked out again, right?" Edd said more then a question.

"Phht who cares. it caught us that whale last time." Tom said back, crossing his arms.

"We didn't even eat the damned thing!! We were fined because of that AND they took the whale. besides, whales are endangered." Edd said wanting to end the argument.


Matt watched out the window as the trees went by.

"OooooH!!" Matt cried out as they drove closer to the lake. Edd backed up to the boat dock.

"Hey Tord, could you help us get the boat into the water? I'm sure Tom will help you out if you need it." Edd asked.

"oh yeah, sure." Tord said getting out of the car.

~Small time skip~

//Still Narrator POV//

Everyone was on the boat with their fishing poles in the water...waiting for a fish to bite. They have been waiting for almost a half an hour already.

"OOOHHH!!! i got something!! i got something!!" Matt cried out excitedly. Matt reeled in what he snagged.

"I caught a fish!!" matt cried out happily. The fish was about five to six inches big. it wasn't the biggest but it was a good start.

Everyone waited...

and waited...

and waited...

"If i had my harpoon gun, we could have had lots of fish by now." Tom said.

"No harpoon gun." Edd said plainly.


Edd was driving everyone back home. They had caught five fish. two big ones and the rest were...umm...ok. It was soon going to become night time. Everyone was tired. What a wonderful day...right?

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