Chapter 1: Tord

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(A/N: This is my first fanfic, so please don't judge it. I'm really nervous. Love you guys!! Here you gooooooo!!)

//Tom's POV//

"Damn it." Tom muttered. He was practicing with Susan.

Matt and Edd were had just left to go to the grocery store. Edd would of sent Matt to the store on his own but after the nail incident a couple years wouldn't be such a good idea.

Knock knock

Tom set Susan on his bed carefully and got up to see who was at the door. "What do you-" Tom cut himself short after her realized who it was. Tom backed away from the door in shock. He then began to glare. "Why the hell are you back here? And how did you find our new address?!" Tom cried clutching the door, wanting to slam it on his face.

"I-i came back to s-say...I'm sorry." Said the one and only Tord.

"I dont want to hear any sorrys from you. You almost KILLED ME, EDD, AND MATT!!" Tom yelled at the Norwegian in anger.

"T-tom, please. I-im sorry. Please... please forgive me." Tord was...begging Tom for forgiveness. He must be very sorry if he is begging.

"Tord i-" Tom was cut off

"Tord?!" Edd cried in shock

"Edd! Matt!" Tord cried out sounding relived.

Tom then noticed Tord's right was a robotic arm.

Edd and Matt jut stood there, unsure on what to do. Edd was obviously debating if he should yell at Tord, hug him, or just ignore him. Matt seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Tord...w-what are you doing here?" Edd asked confused and slightly worried.

"I came back to apologize for what I did and how I acted. I'm so, so sorry." Tord said in his thick Norwegian accent.

Tord look like he truly meant what he was saying, maybe he is telling the truth.

Edd cleared his throat, everyone was just awkwardly standing there in silence.

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Edd asked. Tord seemed a little surprised by Edd's question.

Tom's mouth gapped open slightly at the question.

'Wait wait wait...he can't stay here?!' Tom thought silently to himself. Tom crossed his arms and glared at Tord.

"A-actually...i-i do." Tord said with his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"You can stay with us." Edd offered with a small smile. It seemed a little forced.

"Oh...I'm fine. I could always stay at a hotel or something." Tord said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No no no, your fine. Come on, let's go inside." Edd said walking past Tom. Matt walked in as well, sitting on the couch. Tord sat on the couch with Matt.

"Wait! He did just say he could stay at a hotel." Tom protested while following Edd. Matt was awfully quiet, maybe because he was afraid of Tord....phhht nah.

"Tom, he deserves a second chance, ok. That's what friends do." Edd said putting a thing of Coke in the fridge, not bothering to look at Tom.

"Phht! Friends? For one, I'm not his friend. For two, he tried to fricken kill us!! Remember?!" Tom yelled. Tom didn't care if Tord heard him or not, but he was pretty sure he did.

"If its going to be a problem for me to stay, I can go-" Edd cut Tord off.

"No, Tord. I'm going to give you a second chance. You'll be staying in Tom's room." Edd said casually.

(My cat Baby keeps bumping my phone with her face Lol)

"What what!? No!!" Tom yelled looking at Tord in anger.

"To bad." Edd said walking into the living room and sitting next to Matt.

Tom huffed and went to his room. He practically had stem coming out of his ears at this point.

Tom slammed his door shut and sat on his bed next to Susan. He huffed some more and began to mess around with Susan, trying to calm himself down.

(PLEASE READ A/N!!!! 💕💕)

(A/N: I also will take requests for future updates. I'll do fluff and...maybe smut. Smuts a maybe and their would have to be more people on bord with the smut. Not one person can say they want it and i'll do it.)

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