Chapter 8: The Fair

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//Edd's POV//

I still dont know why Tom fainted...but if it happens again. We're DEFINITELY going to the hospital.

Anyways, Tom and Tord seem to be getting along. Everyone so often they will be at each other's heels, fighting. Tom normally gives things if he is benefited in the end. But Tom is a good guy tho.

"Hey Edd?" Tom called. Tom was sitting on the couch and I was in the kitchen at the table...drinking Cola.

"Yeah?" I said taking a sip of my Cola.

"Matt wanted to know if we could all go to the Fair. The Fair is in town this week." Tom said looking over at me.

"When did he tell you this?" I was curious...

"I dont know...last night?" Tom shrugged looking back at the screen.

"Sure...why not."

"Yay!!" Matt yelled...but it was faint.

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