Chapter 7: Shower nightmare

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//Tom's POV//

"Get out!!" I yelled as I chased Tord out of the bathroom. I have recently found out that Tord is slightly afraid of harpoons. Not surprised.

Tom was going to take a shower, but Tord thought it would be funny to try to scare Tom while he went to start the water...But Tord was the one who was surprised.

Surprisingly enough... Tom had a stupid harpoon with him. It was partly because Tom found out that Tord was a little afraid of harpoons. Tord had jumped out to scare Tom. But Tom was prepared and whipped out the harpoon and Tord ran away while Tom chased after him yelling.

"I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving!!" Tord cried out.

"AND STAY OUT!!" Tom yelled. Tom slammed the door shut and continued to fix the showers temperature. He took his clothes off and stood under the warm water and let out a sigh.

Tom had his towel wrapped around his waste. He hummed softly to himself. He used the towel to dry his hair and his body. He put on he clean clothes and slipped on his hoodie.

Edd, Matt, and Tord were all chilling in the kitchen.

"Why is everyone being so quiet?" Tom asked?

Everyone began to laugh...but the laughter started to become distorted... their faces became distorted. Tom backed away as they reached out to him.

"Noooo!!" Tom cried while shutting his eyes and holding his head.

"Nooooo!!!" Tom's eyes flew open. His breathing was fast and shallow...his heart was pounding against his chest. He put a hand over his heart. Water from the shower head poured down on his face...but it didn't bother him (he has now eyes so lol). He looked around...he was still in the bathroom. He heard pounding on the bathroom door.

"Tom!? Tom!!" It was Tord...Edd...and Matt. Tom slowly stood up, his breathing was going back to normal and his heart rate was slowing down.

"Tom!? What's going on? Why aren't you answering?" Edd asked.

"Did you fall and die?" Tord asked with a small chuckled.

"That's not very funny, Todd." Matt said slightly concerned.

"Tord." Tord corrected

"I-i'm fine...I think...I think I fainted or blacked out or.... something..." Tom said peeking his head out of the shower curtain.

Tom quickly dried himself off and put on new clothes. He slipped his hoodie on and quickly opened the door. He cautiously walked to the living room. Edd and Tord were talking on the couch. Watching Black butler.

"W-where's Matt?" Tom asked clearing his throat after.

"Oh, he ran to the store to get some stuff for us...yah know." Tord pipped in.

"Tom, you alright? You seem...a little off. Dontcha think?" Edd asked looking over the back of the couch.

Tom sighed and nodded, "I just...had a nightmare while I was out in the shower. I'm fine tho." Tom walked over and sat on the couch.

"We are watching Black you want some popcorn?" Edd asked. Tord seemed to be in a trance from the show.

"Uh, n-no thank you." Tom ran his fingers through 'Steve' (his hair) and slumped into the couch, closing his eyes.

(A/N: sorry if this is bad. I'm out of a place to live. And I'm worried about my little bro. My dad and mom split up and ugh...stupid drama!)

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