"It's okay, I fly often and I can tell you that I trust this airline more than any plane that I've ever flown on. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the flight, we are going to be here awhile."

Feliciano opened his eyes and looked over at her; she gave him a reassuring smile before patting his hand once more and turning back to her magazine. He could feel his chest feeling tighter and tighter so he tried to take a deep breath as he felt the plane rise higher and higher into the clouds.

As the hours passed and the night crept upon them, people in the plane began to fall asleep in their seats. Feliciano could feel his own eyelids grow heavy and just as he was about to succumb to the darkness a loud cry erupted from a few rows behind him. It was loud and grew louder with practically each second; a baby's cry.

Feliciano looked around and noticed that a few of the sleeping residents began to stir in their seats from the loud noise. He looked over the back of his seat to see the mother of the crying baby trying to quiet it down with no success.

Without thinking about much of what he was doing, he rose from his seat and slowly made his way through the aisle a few rows back to the crying baby.

The mother locked eyes with him at his sudden appearance, she was young, probably not much older than he was. "I'm so sorry sir," she said frantically while smoothing down the baby's small head of hair. She almost looked as if she was expecting him to yell at her, and a few of the other passengers watched them as if expecting the same.

He bent down slowly as to not loose his balance and crouched down in front of the baby. "Is it okay, if I try?" he asked the mother. She looked relieved and nodded her head. Feliciano gently stroked the baby's head.

"Hey little guy, what's wrong?" he asked. He reached out and gently picked up the baby's hands, it's hands slowly curling around Feliciano's fingers. "Hey little buddy!" he said with a smile so bright and filled with happiness that the kid stumbled upon its crying.

"What's his name?" Feliciano asked the mother.

"His name is Tyler," she said tiredly, "and I'm Elisabeth by the way."

"Your son is adorable," he said and he made a silly face at the child and finally it stopped crying completely and just looked at him inquisitively before giving a toothless smile of his own.

"Finally," she breathed.

Tyler reached out with one hand and wrapped it around Feliciano's curl and gently tugged on it.

"No no, don't pull that Tyler," said Elisabeth as she gently took her son's hand away from Feliciano's hair.

"It's okay if it's my hair that he's interested in it's okay, it'll keep him busy."

"You're really okay with this?" she asked.

Feliciano just laughed, "Yeah it's okay, I'm good with kids, they seem to like me."

She let go of Tyler's hand and he immediately went to Feliciano's face and hair, patting it down and lightly pulling on a few pieces. Feliciano let him play with his hair for a bit before trying to distract him with his toy rattle. Before they knew it, Tyler was asleep once again in his seat with his rattle loosely still in his hand.

Elisabeth was relieved at the silence. "Thank you so much for getting him to quiet down, you're a lifesaver."

Feliciano just stood from his spot on the floor and dusted himself off. "It's alright I'm glad to help. Well, I'm tired myself so I'm going to head back to my seat, it was nice meeting you."

"Wait," she said, causing him to pause before he left. "What's your name? I need to thank you properly."

Feliciano smiled to himself. "That's not necessary but my name is Feliciano."

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