Chapter 2

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Luckily for Feliciano, the next day was Friday and he only had one class today. Even better, it began at 11am so he didn't have to get up early either. Unlike his brother Lovino who had a lecture beginning at eight.

Feliciano squinted and threw his pillow at his brother whenever he turned on the light, waking him up. Feliciano had always been a light sleeper.

"Alright, I'll turn it off just give me a couple minutes to get ready and then you can go back to sleep."

Feliciano groaned in tired frustration and buried himself underneath his covers. True to his word, after about five minutes Lovino turned off the light and left the dorm with a quiet goodbye. Feliciano rolled over onto his side to face the window, he tried to fall back asleep but failed, he was wide awake now because of that light.

He decided to get up and get ready for the day, despite how much he longed for his bed, he knew that he would have to do it at some point.

The class that he had was his art class, and unfortunately for him, he was all alone. He also really enjoyed it though, so he was slightly happy that he was alone because that meant he could focus more on it.

After he finished stumbling to pull on his pants and pulling on a hoodie over his head, he walked down to the student center where all of the food was. It was nice outside, but kind of chilly when the wind blew. The fall was creeping up on them fast but Feliciano loved the fall, he loved the smells and the colors that it brought. He loved to paint the trees after all of the leaves had changed colors.

He bought a banana and searched for his brother, it was only 7:30 so he was more than likely still here. He found him over in his usual spot over by the window with Arthur and Alfred, who also had early morning classes. Noticing the empty chair next to Lovino, he walked over to it and sat down.

"I thought you didn't have classes this early on Friday's," said Alfred.

Feliciano shrugged, "It's true, I don't, but he woke me up with all of his lights and I couldn't fall back asleep. I do have a class at 11 though."

Alfred nodded in understanding, "I feel you man, Matthew has all of these early morning classes almost every day and he likes to get there super early too, you just missed him actually, anyway, he wakes me up with the lights too, it sucks."

After a minute of comfortable silence, Arthur gathered his trash and rose from his seat, "Yeah, well I think I better go, my class starts at the 45."

"I'll walk you there," said Alfred in a rush to catch up to him. "We'll see you later!" He called back to Lovino and Feliciano.

Feliciano moved to the other side of the table so he was sitting across from his brother instead of directly next to him.

"I have something to tell you," said Lovino slowly.

Feliciano stopped munching on his banana and looked at his brother, "What is it?"

Lovino dug around in his backpack before sliding a brochure across the table. It was a brochure for apartments.

"Between the two of us, and Grandpa Roma, we have finally saved up enough to rent out a small apartment, if you want."

"Are you serious?" His question was rhetorical.

"Yes, I'm serious. Now we need to start looking at apartments to rent out. I've already done some researching and there is a complex not too far from campus, and the rooms there are a decent price too, but we should keep searching until we are sure on the one we want."

Feliciano was ecstatic. They could finally get out of their cramped dorm, and they could finally have their own kitchen, and maybe even their own bedrooms. That excited Feliciano the most, his own bedroom. Sharing with Lovino was great and all but, he wanted privacy, and he was sure that his brother did too.

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