Chapter 9

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The next morning Feliciano woke to one of the best sleeps he's ever had. He was awake but he hadn't opened his eyes yet, and he could feel that there was something large and warm next to him so he shuffled closer to it. When his head made contact with whatever it was, it was hard, like muscles. He reached his hand up and ran it along the spot next to his face, he could feel the dips and curves of something, but what was it?

"Guten morgen, Feliciano," said Ludwig tiredly.

Feliciano suddenly opened his eyes and realized that the hard thing his head was on was Ludwig's chest and the large, warm thing that he had scooted closer to had been Ludwig's body. He felt his face flush with embarrassment as he jumped backwards and fell off the couch, drawing down the blanket with him.

The events of last night came rushing back to him as he lay on the floor underneath the blanket. The shopping, him waking up in his room on a pile of blankets, he and Ludwig talking then dancing, then the two of them watching TV together until they passed out from exhaustion.

The dance, he thought to himself, how could I ever forget that? Just the mere thought of it made his heart stop. How close they were, the way Ludwig's hands seemed to fit perfectly wrapped around his waist, and how Feliciano seemed to be the perfect hight to rest his head on Ludwig's chest without strain. They just... fit.

"Dear Gods, Feliciano are you okay?" Ludwig asked worriedly as he reached over and threw the blanket off of the smaller man on the ground, but when he did Feliciano was covering his face. "Feliciano?" he asked timidly as he gently took hold of both of his wrists and pulled them away from his face. Once he did, he saw the heat in Feliciano's cheeks even though he had turned to look the other way. His heart flipped. He wanted to look away, knew that he probably should look away, but for some reason he couldn't.

Feliciano bit his lip out of embarrassment and gave a nervous laugh, trying to play it off. "H-hey, you want to help me up?" he asked jokingly as he gestured towards Ludwig's hands wrapped around his wrists.

"Yeah," was all Ludwig had to say before he helped him back onto the couch, this time they were sitting up.

Once again Feliciano became hyper aware of their closeness, and knowing that, he felt he needed to get his mind off of it, so he decided to start a conversation.

"Thanks for helping out and everything, all we need to do now is unpack. Did Francis drop off all of the stuff in his car or does he still have it?"

"I think he still has it, hold on I'll text him." Ludwig searched his pockets, then the ground for his phone. He eventually found it in-between the couch cushion and whenever he went to his messages to text Francis he noticed that he had a text from him.

Hey mon ami, sorry I forgot to drop off all of the stuff that we all got for Lovino and Feliciano. I'll swing by tomorrow around noon to drop it all off. Make sure you two are decent don't be fooling around now ;)

Ludwig felt his cheeks heat up and he face palmed after reading the message.

"What?" asked Feliciano, so he showed him the message. His face visibly heat up as well and he looked away, trying to cover it up.

Ludwig coughed to try to cover up his own slight blush, "Well, at least he's bringing it all by."

"Yeah, what time is it now anyway?"

"11:28," said Ludwig, running a hand through his hair, "well I guess that makes sense since we didn't get to sleep until a little after three."

Feliciano nodded in agreement before standing and adjusting his clothes, the collar of his shirt always seemed to slip to one side or the other, exposing his collar bone. Grabbing his hands out in front of him, he stretched his arms, and then his back, trying to shake off the feeling of having just slept on a cramped couch. He tried not to let his expression show the thought that just weaseled its way into his mind, that he wouldn't mind sleeping on that cramped couch again, even if it did mean a stiff back and muscles for the morning, as long as the reason it was cramped was because it was he and Ludwig squeezed onto the small space.

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