Chapter 17

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February 12th (3 1/2 months)

Feliciano and Ludwig decided that they wouldn't just go right out and tell all of their friends about what they did, but if they were to ask they weren't going to lie. Besides, Feliciano didn't even really know what to classify them as, all he knew was that they loved each other and that they would occasionally make out.

They did, however, tell them about Ludwig's early departure, and the reason behind it. They all understood and even Lovino seemed to let himself care, even if it was only for a few seconds, about the blond german man.

But the days passed on, and eventually it landed on February 12th, Antonio's birthday. Everyone was excited and they had a plan for a surprise birthday party for him, all they needed to do was get him out of the house so that they could set it up.

"Lovino," Feliciano had said the day before, "tomorrow, you need to keep Antonio out of the house, and then bring him back around two okay?"

Lovino, of course, had agreed, having wanting his boyfriend to have a great birthday. So that night he made sure that he spent the night at Antonio's dorm so that they wouldn't have to go back to the house.

Feliciano woke up early, like he normally does, and began to set everything up, beginning with preparing all of Antonio's favorite foods.

Around nine o'clock Ludwig woke up and made his way from Feliciano's bedroom to the kitchen where the delicious smell was coming from. He walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of Feliciano's neck.

"Morning," he grumbled sleepily.

Feliciano laughed slightly and patted the arms linked around his waist with one hand and continued messing with the stove with the other. "Morning Ludwig," he said.

Ludwig tugged slightly backward, causing Feliciano to stumble back a step. "Let's go back to bed, it's too early."

Feliciano turned around in Ludwig's arms so that he was facing him. "It's nine o'clock! And besides, we have to get things ready for Antonio. Francis and your brother said that they would show up around noon anyways."

"Exactly," said Ludwig, his voice deep, "we have about three hours before anyone will show up, and knowing them they'll probably be a half hour late too." He nuzzled his face closer to Feliciano's, their noses brushing. "Come on," he whispered against his lips.

Before Feliciano knew what to do, Ludwig had already pinned him up against the wall, his hands roaming freely. Feliciano lost himself in the kiss, in the pure intensity of it. He loved mornings like this. Feliciano looped his fingers through the belt loops on Ludwig's jeans that he had thrown on just minutes before and pulled his hips closer. He could feel the heat radiating off of Ludwig's body, and despite the warmth, it sent shivers down his spine.

Feliciano didn't know if he hated or just slightly hated the buzzer whenever it went off, forcing them to break away so that Feliciano could tend to the stove. He knew that he needed to be paying attention to his cooking but, he really liked kissing Ludwig.

He sighed as he set the timer on the stove for an hour and a half. "We really need to start setting everything up," he said.

Ludwig sighed and kissed Feliciano's cheek, sending sparks across his skin, before walking away. "I'll help you with everything in a little bit, let me shower first," he called behind him.

Feliciano nodded despite the fact that he knew he couldn't see him anymore and finished up what he was doing with the food on the stove. Once he was done with that, he then found where all of the party decorations were and set them all on the table. Just as he finished searching for different wrapping paper so that he could wrap the few presents that they got him, Ludwig came out of the bathroom with nothing on but a towel around his waist and another one around his neck that he was using to dry his hair. Feliciano couldn't help but stare at the water droplets dripping from his hair and running down his bare chest. He bit his lip as he felt his face heat up, yet somehow he couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away from the beautiful sight.

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