Chapter 13

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December 25th -Christmas day-

Three days had passed and still, Ludwig hadn't talked with Feliciano at all. He had tried calling his cell only to receive voicemail. He had even gone up to his and Gilbert's dorm to see if he was there but every time he went Gilbert would answer the door because Ludwig wasn't there or because he "still didn't want to talk to anyone."

Feliciano was beginning to get fed up with all of this. What was his problem anyway? At first, he was sad about it but now he was just getting annoyed that he won't even talk to anyone. It's been three days, what could possibly be his problem?

The worst part about all of this was that, despite all of his petty feelings towards the whole situation, Feliciano knew, deep down, that he still had strong feelings towards the man. He didn't like to think about it, but it did cross his mind that maybe Ludwig never did like him and that he was just pretending this whole time, and then once they kissed that was his breaking point and he had to stop this all before it got too out of hand.

He tried pushing it into the back of his mind as everyone sat around the Christmas tree that day. Antonio placing another present in front of Feliciano is what brought him back to reality. Everyone had decided to stay here for Christmas instead of going home to their families. Everyone's families lived far away, especially Gilbert's, except for Matthew and Alfred's parents who didn't live too far from the campus actually. So they were going to leave later that evening to go spend time with them. That's why they were all opening gifts now, at noon.

Gilbert had left a couple minutes before because he said that he had to go pick something up, and they all agreed to wait on him to open them. What they were about to open were gifts from each other, so it was fun to see what everyone was going to get. Everyone either sat on the floor or the couches while Antonio and Francis passed out the presents wearing Santa hats. There was a pile of presents on the floor where Gilbert had been, and another pile next to it that had been for Ludwig. Despite all that was going on, they still wanted to give him the presents that they got him, except Lovino, who thought that Ludwig should just rot in Hell. Antonio had made him put the small present that he had gotten him in the pile anyway. Once they were done passing them all out, everyone had anywhere between seven and nine presents in their piles.

"When is Gilbert going to be back I want to open them already!" whined Alfred.

"How do you stand him?" asked Francis.

Arthur rubbed is temples, "I don't."

There was Christmas music playing in the background and whenever All I Want For Christmas began playing Alfred stood, stole the Santa hat from Antonio, and began to sing along to it. He pranced around the room proudly half-screaming-half-singing "All I want for Christmas is you!" in an attempt to lighten the mood. Just as the song was nearing its end Gilbert walked through the door holding a box filled with presents.

"Ah come on man I'm almost finished!" whined Alfred as he sat back down.

"What's that?" asked Feliciano.

"They're presents... to all of us from my brother. He wanted me to give them all to you."

"Does he still not want to talk to us?" asked Francis.

"He didn't say much, all he said was that he's sorry and there's a reason why but he just won't tell me what that reason is," said Gilbert as he set the box down. "Alright, I'll just pass these out and then we can get started."

He began to hand out the presents that Ludwig had bought everyone. Everyone got one, even Lovino, which to say the least was surprising, but not only did Feliciano get a present from Ludwig, he also got a card.

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