Chapter 21

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Three weeks have passed since Ludwig has returned to Germany. The two of them have talked every day, but because of the time differences it's hard for them to talk to each other on the phone so they decided that whenever Feliciano woke up, he would call Ludwig, and whenever Ludwig decided he was going to go to bed he would call Feliciano, that way they would both be awake during those times.

They both have started their classes back up again, and every time Feliciano walks into his Art History class he has to go through the pain of seeing the now empty seat beside him. He can't sneak any more sly pictures of him while he is working on the assignment, or while he is trying desperately to pay attention even though he knows that he can't because Feliciano is purposely distracting him.

He can't bring himself to go back to the willow tree just yet, but he has managed to go back to the café with his friends, even though it took him about two weeks.

After some thinking and some help from his friends, Feliciano decided to change his major from Art to Culinary and he has also decided to take another course in Restaurant Managment. After thinking about what Ludwig had mentioned to him a while ago about opening his own restaurant around here, he decided that he would do it. He loved to cook and he kind of always wanted to be the owner of a restaurant, and he can still paint and stuff in his free time so it's not like he's giving that up.

He didn't know quite yet what he would want to name his restaurant since he wanted to follow in his Grandfather's footsteps and make it an Italian restaurant, but Vargas's Italian was already taken by him. He'll think of something when the time comes.

Over in Germany Ludwig has continued on his own line of schooling, and his old friends are glad to see him, but he still misses the group back in the States and especially Feliciano. Ever since Feliciano told him that he switched his major to Culinary he wasn't surprised, he was a wonderful cook, but the reason behind it was a secret "until he thought the time was right to tell him" as Feliciano had put it.

Whenever Ludwig told Folkert about Feliciano like he had promised he had instantly liked the little Italian man and that he wishes to meet him one day. Ludwig had told him not to worry because he hopes that they will see each other again soon.

* * *

Nine months later -Christmas Eve-

Lights covered the house in decoration for the festive holiday. Presents were littered underneath the tree and the smell of baking gingerbread filled the air. Everyone sat in the living room, on the couches, chairs, and floor; Feliciano unconsciously leaving a space next to him on the floor for the man that he hoped would text any minute now to say that he was leaving.

"Has he got on the plane yet?" asked Gilbert.

Feliciano checked his messages, "No, he's still stuck at the airport. A bunch of the flights are being cancelled because of the weather, but he said that it looked like his flight was still good, it's just that they are pushing it back a few hours."

Gilbert sighed and rubbed his head, "I don't know if I do, or don't want him to get on that plane," he said to himself.

"Why," asked Francis.

"Because if the weather is bad enough to postpone the plane at all then I- eh nevermind."

Feliciano reached for another gingerbread cookie as his phone buzzed and he checked his messages once again.

Still at the airport

He quickly typed a reply.

Hopefully you can board soon, stay safe

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