I look at the time seeing it was almost time for me to pick tero up.

"First I'm older than you, second business been okay not as good as it could be though"

"By a year, and why is that" I ask scrolling down my twitter feed.

"Still older, and the Dominicans and Colombians been short with the dough lately"

"What you mean we been having a solid agreement with them for years"

"That's the thing they on some bullshit saying they wanna come to a new agreement and until then they not paying what we already agreed too"

"So why haven't nobody met up with these niggas yet"

"We told them to come down here but them niggas scared, that's how I know they on some bullshit"

"I'm gone end up killing that Dominican nigga" X spoke from the couch.

"That's why them niggas scared to come down here now" Kevin chuckles.

"That's why we going to them, we got get them back on track so we can run it back up" I tell them looking up from my phone.

"We can take the jet to the Dominican tonight, Kevin call that Nigga and tell him we on the way" Jah orders.

"I got you" He nods.

I check the time seeing I only had 20 minutes to pick up tero and get him to the gym.

"Alright set that up and bang my line tomorrow" I tell them standing up from the couch.

"Bool" Jah said as I walk out the office.

I pull up to India's house in a record 13 minutes with traffic. Looking out my window I saw tero sitting on the steps waiting for me.

His face lit up as I stepped out the car. He ran up to me and I picked him up throwing him in the air and catching him before placing him back on his feet as he giggles loudly. I smile as we walk up the steps walking in the house.

I heard laughter coming from the living room as tero lead me towards that direction.

Once we reach the living room there sat India cuddled up to...... Ty nappy dreads having ass.

"Aye we about to leave" I speak making my presence known, They both jumped looking back startled.

India nods while ty glares at me with this arrogant smirk like she won something.

Ignoring the smirk ty had on her face I turn around walking out the living room with tero following beside me. Jail helped me mature alot mentally so alot of shit that got under my skin when I was younger didn't effect me no more, I walked out of prison with a whole new mindset.

We walk in the gym a few minutes late but everybody was just shooting around.

"Y'all came right on time" Kenny says approaching us.

"Yea that traffic killer today" I reply and he nods in understandment.

"We just shooting around warming up right now anyways, you can grab a ball and start warming up little man"
Tero nods before running to one of the basketball racks grabbing a ball.

"He got a nice form" Kenny compliments as tero sunk a shot straight through the net. They brung the hoops all the way down making it easier since this was a little league team.

"I know I was telling him that yesterday, he gone be nice" I smile proudly as he sunk another one.

"Definitely cause I'm gone turn him into a beast, he already nice and he only 4 so imagine"

"I'm already knowing, you get the schedule for the games yet" I ask.

"Yea they just emailed it today I'll send it to you, practice end at 2 so you picking him up or staying"

"I'm gone watch him today just so he could get comfortable" He nods before blowing his whistle walking onto the court.

Once practice was over me and tero went to chick-fil-a and ate now I'm driving back to India's.

"Mama told me not to sell work" I look over at tero as he bobs his head singing along to migos t- shirt.

"How you know this song" I question turning down the stereo.

"X and jah" He shrugs still singing along, I shook my head chuckling.

"I'm about to start playing kidz bop when you riding with me" I chuckle turning the stereo back up.

"Seventeen five same color t-shirt" We rap in sync.

For the rest of the ride we rapped along to whatever came on until we finally pulled up to the house.

Turning the car off we both stepped out the car. Walking up the steps I rung the doorbell.

A couple seconds later the door opened revealing India looking like a buffet. She push opened the screen door letting us in.

"Coco can I go to yo house" Tero asks hopefully, I sigh squatting down to his level.

"I gotta go out of town for a little bit but when I get back we gone kick it alright?" He nods sighing.

"Go get ready for bed jordan" India tells him while eyeing me down. We share a hug and did our handshake before he ran upstairs.

"So when you coming back" India asks as I stood up.

"I don't know hopefully in a couple days" I shrug.

"You just got out and you already taking trips"

"Gotta get to the bag"

"I guess, you can let yourself out" She rolls her eyes turning around to walk out the foyer.

"I see ole girl ain't doing something right cause that attitude horrible" She sent me the bird and I chuckle.

"As soon as you stop playing" I yell as she disappears behind the wall.

I walk out the house with a smirk on my face it's only a matter of time.

Rentero (StudxFem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora