(12)Blueberry Clouds

Start from the beginning

Just then- a knock sounded on the door.

The headboard cracked in two.

"My lord, are you in?"

Fuck- I wish!

Opis voice was muffled by the thick, wooden doors. I hissed loudly at the interruption and quickly climbed off of Aurora. She grabbed the sheet to cover her chest; her eyes wide with the fear of being discovered naked in my bedroom.

I walked closer towards the door; "What is it?"

Opis cleared his throat; "Not to alarm you, my lord, but I can't seem to locate Lady Aurora? Would you perhaps know where she is?"

I ran a hand though my hair as Aurora bit her knuckle. Quickly I sped around and pulled her up from the bed by her arms. She yelped softly as I carried her to my large walk-in-closet.

"Hide..." I ordered. She nodded and pulled the sheets tighter around her body as she scurried inside.

I jogged to the doors and ripped them open. Opis backed away slightly- I must've looked deranged. To him I probably seemed angry and upset that Aurora was missing, but in reality I was close to cutting off his head for interrupting Aurora's sensual advances.

"I'll go look for her."

Opis nodded; not bothering to counter my words. He stepped back and watched as I grabbed a shirt and some nearby pants. I hastily threw them on and rushed out the door as I stormed towards Aurora's room.

Opis followed closely behind.

I entered her dark chamber. It was cold and empty.

"The bed doesn't seem to be slept in..." Opis said dryly. I pretended not to notice.

"She probably got up early and made it already." I raced towards the bathroom. "Did you check in here?"

Opis cleared his throat; "I only listened for movement and shouted her name a few times, but there was no response. I do not think she's in there, my lord."

I nodded; grateful for my head-servant's overwhelming manners. I knew he wouldn't go into the bathroom not knowing if Aurora was in there or not, and so it would be the perfect place for me to make her reappear. I signalled for him to stay outside.

He folded his hands behind his back and bowed slightly. I turned into the large, empty bathroom.

I glanced behind me to make sure no one was looking in as I stretched out my hand. From thin air my scythe suddenly appeared in my palm; a soft golden glow fading from the sharp blade and into my hand. I quietly ripped open a long tear in the air and waited for it to widen slightly.

I looked back towards the door once more before shoving my hand through the portal. A soft yelp echoed through the abyss- it was Aurora's voice.

With my finger, I indicated for her to come in. After a few seconds, a soft hand took mine and a tanned foot appeared through the portal. Aurora stepped through- my black sheet covering her body.

She smiled up at me and muttered a soft 'thanks'. I winked playfully in response, careful not to let my deep voice echo through the bathroom.

She quickly grabbed a towel and dropped the sheet to the floor, leaving me gaping down at her until she wrapped herself up again. I cleared my throat and shook my head whilst trying to get my mind in order.


"Pretend like I'd just found you in here."

Aurora nodded and suddenly, a loud scream rang out from her mouth. I backed up a bit and shot her a questioning look, but she merely smiled slyly. Her words were full of false anger; "What are you doing in my bathroom?"

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