"Oh cute! Do we have nicknames now, Shnookums?" I asked, feigning joy.

He gave me a withering look before coming into my room and sitting on a chair next to me.

"So, what was up with the medical exam earlier?" He asked me, trying to be polite bet I could almost taste the annoyance in his tone.

"You are used to getting you own way aren't you? Or at least you feel you should, " I answered, seeing if I could make him annoyed enough to leave, "How come you are even here anyway, you don't come across as the saving the world type of guy to me?"

"I have to be here, my father commanded it." He told me; I let out an exasperated laugh, Seems like our family have something in common.

"I know how that feels, never getting your own way, having no choice in what happens to you, being separated from the perso-" I cut myself off before I could tell him too much about my life; but this only seemed to make him more curious.

"You don't seem like the other humans on this planet; you aren't as arrogant or vain. All the Avengers seem to talk about is how they saved the world," He told me curiously, "even my brother is the same, always bragging about his victories."

"I'm sorry; there are people in my family who are the same." I told him, sending him a soft smile.

Sadly this had the opposite effect that I wanted and he seems to draw into himself again, "You are still just a mortal though, I really don't care about your life that much."

I just sent him another small smile and he stormed out of the room. Great start Percy, now one of your team mates hates you.

I collapsed back onto my bed and let myself be carried off into sleep.


"Master Percy, Master Tony has asked me to inform you that the rest of the team are in the living room for dinner." I woke up, hearing the disembodied voice of JARVIS floating across the room.

"Thank you JARVIS, can you tell them I'm on my way," I told him, feeling stupid that I was talking to an empty room.

I sat up with a sigh and walked across the room to the door, stretching as I went. On my way to the living room I tried to hear what they were saying with my new hearing abilities.

"He seems like a normal kid, why did Fury want him on the team?" I heard Steve ask.

"I don't know, but that thing with the elevator was weird. What do you think that was about?" Bruce asked the group, only enticing mumbles in response.

"Well I want to know how the midguardian can see through my brothers illusions, none of us can." Thor asked, making me wonder why Loki wasn't there to ask that very question.

"Yeah, that was a bit weird. How did Loki feel about a mere man being able to see through his magic?" I heard Tony ask.

"I'd have to imagine he is rather angry, but it is a serious problem. Illusions like that are of great use in battles and for him to see though it could be very bad." Thor replied.

Before anyone else could talk I decided to make my presence known to them, "Hello... SO what's for dinner?" I asked, looking at the slightly guilty faces of Tony, Bruce, Thor, Clive and Natalie.

"Hey kid, it's pizza for dinner. We figured that it was a safe choice as everyone loves pizza." He told me, motioning for me to sit down in the empty chair next to him.

I awkwardly sat down on the chair and grabbed a piece of pizza, they just stared at me.

"So where is Loki?" I asked them, noticing he wasn't sitting at the table with the others.

"Umm... he doesn't sit with us much. After everything he did and with the mind control thing with Clint..." Tony tried to answer.

I figured it wasn't an enjoyable topic so tried to change the subject, "So your name is Clint then." I stated, looking him in the eye, "But what is your name, I know it isn't Natalie?"

I noticed that Clint shot a glare at Tony but focused on Natasha, she has a calculating look in her eyes. Just like Ann- don't go there.

She started at me for a few more moments, "Natasha."

I smiled at her and helped myself to more pizza, hey! It's free, as they continued their conversations.


Chapter 8!

1591 words!

Disclaimer - I own nothing except the plot.

Yes it has been ages, sorry! I had some stuff that I had to deal with and no time to write. I will aim to have another update up in the next few days but no promises.

Up by over 3,000 reads from last time! I have to say I'm surprised, but I hope you all enjoy the book.

Loki and Percy friendship. I would do it as a pairing as it is my new OTP but it kinda goes against the plot for the first book (Yes, I will maybe write more)

Happy late Star Wars Day, I hope the 4th was with you all!

QOTU#1 - I need nickname ideas that Percy can have for Loki.

QOTU#2 - Where are you guys from?

I'm from the UK! Woo, go rain and cups of tea! (Milk in first or last?(I say last but my mum says first))

Hello Bob!(and small bob)

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