Chapter 1

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      "Jungkook are you ready yet I'm going to be late for work! I've got an important meeting today and I don't want to be late!" My mother yells from the bottom of my stairs. "God! Yes mom 2 more minutes!" My mom and dad are always focused on work and sometimes I feel unloved but whatever. My parents aren't really all that strict but they still have rules. I'm really almost always allowed to go where I wanna go. I wouldn't say we're rich but my parents get good pay so I always have good allowance.

      I trample down the stairs in my jeans with holes in the knee, a black shirt with white paint splatters, and my red converse. I actually wear those shoes almost everyday. If it's not those it's my 'construction boots' that's what Taehyung calls them at least. Taehyung is one of the boys that I hang out with. Jimin the other. Jimin lives down the street but Taehyung lives 6 or so blocks away. We hang out all the time. There is this grassy enclosed area in the park that's half way between Taehyung's house and me and Jimins. No one even goes in there but us and everyone knows to stay out. Our town is pretty small a few stores and a park but that's about it. Oh ya and the school.

      "Wow Jungkook I really thought you'd be wearing some different shoes. Surprised to see you wearing those." My mom chuckles. "Mom you're such a silly goose." I say patting her on the head. I'm 15 my birthday is in September, my life seems to be easy.

      Jimin's parents aren't strict either nor are Taehyung. Our lives seem to be going in the right direction. We're all happy and content. Even though Taehyung has it a little rough at home. His dad is an alcoholic and his mother died years ago and I don't know how. He really just roams around and try's to avoid home but it doesn't always work. He's the happiest one out of us three boys even through all his struggles.

      I get into the car with my mother and we drive off to school. "When I pull up you tuck and roll so I don't have to stop ok?" My mom says in a monotone voice. "But mom what if I land on my face?" I say back. "Well then maybe it'll fix it up a little make you look cute or something." She laughs. "Thanks mom we share genes you know?" I reply. "Yes honey now get out of my car." "Thanks mom love you too." I roll my eyes as she drives off laughing.

      "No Jimin it doesn't work like that you can just dump it onto the dirt I'll run of! Are you actually dumb!" I hear Taehyung yell at Jimin. "What the hell you guys talking about?" I ask. "Dumb ass Jimin thinks you can just pour concrete on the ground and it will just get right into its place and stay there." Taehyung claps back at me. "Fuck that shit no one actually cares." Jimin snarks back. "You're both dumb I got more interesting things to say." They both roll their eyes as I continue. "My mom bought that scary movie we've been dying to see so you guys can come over Friday and we can watch it." "Can I stay at your house Jungkook?" Taehyung asks almost desperate. "Of course you can Tae." Taehyung will do anything to stay in a bed that's not his own. His father doesn't beat him or anything but he's always drunk. I feel sorry for him.

       The bell rings as we make our way through the halls to our classes. The day goes by slow but schools is finally over. We meet up on the bench outside the school like we do everyday. "She's a fucking bitch though!" Jimin shouts. Jimin swears, a lot! "Oh god Jimin who did what this time?" I chuckle. "It's the ugly girl from my last period class. She always has to be the best at everything and it's annoying as hell!" He snaps. "Are you ever fully calm?" Taehyung asks. "Not during school, no." "Wanna go to the park?" I ask. "What else did you think we were going to do?" Tae laughs. I guess I did kind of figure we would go to the park but I really just wanted Jimins rant about some dumb girl to stop.

     We make our way down the streets talking about school and food mostly. We finally reach the park and get settled into our little spot. Jimin and I begin to do our homework but Tae just sits there staring hopelessly at his finger. "Tae are you ok?" He breaks his gaze and plasters a fake smile on. "I'm fine. I'm Tae I'm always fine." He says trying to sound hopeful. "No, no something wrong. Tell us." Jimin says concern flooding his eyes. "It's my dad again. He yelled at me." He says holding his tears back." "Why? What did he say?" I ask sad. "He said 'why did you have to live why couldn't your mother. You're useless.' I don't know." He says while tears run down his cheek. "He's just drunk Tae he doesn't mean it. You're so much more that what he says. Believe me." I say back trying to comfort him. Tears roll down his face while he gets his books out of his bag. Jimin is very emotional so of course he starts to cry. I scoot over to Taehyung and set my hand on his thigh. "Tae, you mean the world to more people than you could ever know. If your dad can't see how truly great you are then he's crazy." "How am I supposed to live this way Jungkook I'm never gong to get to be happy like this." He cries. "Listen to me. You are loved and people care. You know my door is always open right? I'm always here for you." Taehyung leans over and puts his head in my shoulder. I hope he feels better now. I just want him to be happy.

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